Home Daily devotional EASTER SUNDAY Happy Jesus Resurrection day

EASTER SUNDAY Happy Jesus Resurrection day

Easter Sunday Happy Jesus Resurrection Day

Happy Jesus Resurrection Day—Change the World Prayer for Easter Sunday, April 20, 2025. This is good news to all humanity—our Lord died and rose again. He defeated death and came out of the grave victorious. Hallelujah!

Bible Verse for Today

“He is not here; he has risen! Remember how he told you, while he was still with you in Galilee” (Luke 24:6)

Many magicians in the record have tried doing what Jesus did; they went through death but never came back.

When Jesus was buried in the tomb, it was heavily guarded so that he wouldn’t resurrect. But who could stop the Lord? Jesus’s resurrection gives us hope that even though we die in the flesh, we shall live again, and we won’t face death again. Romans 8:1 says, “Therefore, there is no condemnation for those in Christ Jesus.”

Through the resurrection of Christ, we are made alive. John 11:25: “Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die.”

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Enough of bad news all around; this is good news to us, news of hope that Jesus died for us; he went into a place where no one has gone and escaped before – he didn’t only escape, but he defeated death.

To some people, Easter means a time of eating and celebration. For some, it’s a time of church-going. We, as believers, have been hearing about this and know the story, so we celebrate it every time. But, it is more than a celebration; it’s time to think of our lives and know if what we are doing with our lives is appreciating what the Lord has done for us.

Easter Sunday 2025

Easter Sunday is the day of Jesus Christ’s Resurrection, the greatest feast day of the all-Christian liturgical year. Easter 2025 is celebrated on Sunday, April 20. It goes right after Holy Week and starts with the Easter Vigil ceremony. Easter Sunday begins a new season of the Great Fifty Days, also called Eastertide, which lasts till Pentecost Sunday.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ on Easter Sunday is the main reason Christians celebrate each Sunday as Lord’s Day.

Happy Jesus Resurrection day to all of you!

Easter Sunday – Happy Jesus Resurrection Day Prayer

Your resurrection amazes me, Lord. You have done what no other man can, and not even the magicians can do that successfully. You rose on the third day to give us news to tell the world. Now we believe that when we are in you, we shall rise with you and be with you in your Kingdom. Hallelujah!



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