Home Daily devotional Answer Yes to God’s call – Daily Devotional for December 20

Answer Yes to God’s call – Daily Devotional for December 20

Answer Yes to God's call daily Devotional for December 20

The end of Advent brings a lot of light into our grey lives. The inspiring drama of life lies beneath Mary’s courage to answer YES to God’s call. The encounter between Mary and the Angel Gabriel in Luke 1:26-38 is a profound narrative of faith, obedience, and trust. Mary’s response to God’s unexpected call offers us invaluable lessons on surrendering to God’s will.

Daily Devotional for December 20

“The angel went to her and said, ‘Greetings, you who are highly favored! The Lord is with you.’… ‘I am the Lord’s servant,’ Mary answered. ‘May your word to me be fulfilled.'” (full text at Luke 1:26-38)

The Courage to Answer Yes to God’s Call

Mary’s encounter with the angel and her response exemplifies the courage and faith required to accept God’s plan, even when it’s beyond our understanding.

Favor in God’s Eyes

The angel’s greeting reveals that Mary found favor with God. This favor was not about privilege or ease but being chosen for a significant, albeit challenging, role in God’s redemptive plan.

Questions and Faith

Mary’s initial confusion and question to the angel reflect a natural human response to God’s surprising plans. Yet, her questions did not stem from doubt but from a desire to understand God’s will.

Submission to God’s Will

Mary’s ultimate response, “I am the Lord’s servant… May your word to me be fulfilled,” shows her remarkable submission and trust in God. Despite the potential for misunderstanding and hardship, she willingly accepts God’s plan.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

If you read this devotional with an open heart to God, you will feel that Mary’s drama touches you directly. How often has God given you a chance and shown you an opportunity? Admit it many times.

And what was your reaction? Were you scared because you were afraid to change something in your life? Did you not answer YES to God’s call because you feared the future? And God wanted beautiful things to happen in your life. He dreamed that you would be courageous at the decisive moment. Think about this.

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, as I ponder Mary’s encounter with Gabriel, I am struck by her profound faith and willingness to embrace Your plan. Grant me the same openness and courage to accept Your will for my life. In times of uncertainty or fear, please help me to remember Mary’s example of faith. Give me the strength to answer YES to Your call, trusting that You are with me and that Your plans are for my good and Your glory. Help me navigate the challenges and responsibilities You place before me with grace and faith, always remembering that nothing is impossible with You. Thank You for Mary’s example of faithfulness and the reminder that Your presence and favor accompany those You call. I pray in the name of Jesus, who was born of Mary and brought Your salvation to us. Amen.

To You

Today, reflect on an aspect of your life where God may call you to trust and submit to His plan. How can you respond with a heart of obedience, as Mary did?

May Mary’s faith inspire you to embrace God’s will for your life with trust and humility. As you go about this day, let her example remind you that God equips and accompanies those He calls. Amen.

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