Home Daily devotional CHANGE YOUR HABITS TO GODLY HABITS Prayer for June 16


godly habits change

Change your habits to godly habits – Prayer for June 16. Our habit is very important. We need to check our habits every day and make sure it’s a godly habits. Let’s tell God to help us improve our habits.

Bible Verse for Today

“So get rid of every filthy habit and all wicked conduct. Submit to God and accept the word that he plants in your hearts, which is able to save you.” (James 1:21)

We are not born with habit. The reason we call it habits is that they are things we do repeatedly under the same circumstances or conditions. Habits are either acquired or learned and then the only way we can get rid of them is to unlearn them.

Truthfully, it is not easy to get rid of a habit because it is already part of you, it is like something you are addicted to or your normal response to something.

If you want to get rid of the habits (bad), you have to learn the good, godly ones. For example, the habit of speaking foul words, you can get rid of the habit by saying the good word consciously.

Your habit portrays you. People define you by your habit.

If you have an unpleasing habit, in your place of work, you might be losing some opportunities because from your habits people will believe you won’t be able to handle a project or a position.

You need to call on Jesus to help you change your habits and start new habits today, keep on practicing them till they become part of you.

Change Habits to Godly Habits Prayer for Today

Dear Lord, you have brought me to this new day again. It is an opportunity from you for me to get the best of today.

I thank you for yesterday, you did well and I am trusting you for a better day today. God renew my heart today and help me to do what you want me to do. Lord, please forgive my past mistakes and cleanse me.

Lord, I dump my old self and I put on a new one. Help me to change my habits, habits that can block my blessing, habits that are not in line with you Lord. Create in me a clean heart and purify me. Amen.

Also read: GOD CREATED US TO DO GOOD WORKS Prayer for June 15


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