Home Daily devotional GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS Prayer for October 15

GOD ANSWERS PRAYERS Prayer for October 15

god answers prayers

God answers prayers. Devotional prayer for October 15. Do you pray for something in your life and wait for a change? Wondering why God has not yet answered your prayer? Do you feel that success is passing you?

Bible Verse for Today

“Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.” (Matthew 7:7)

God Answers Prayers

When we pray long and hard for a particular cause in our lives and receive no response, we sometimes come to terms with the situation. We return to the day-to-day business and wonder when and if God will answer. But God hears our prayers and works on the answer, even if we do not always know all the details. Our difficult situation can change quite suddenly – without any warning!

Read also: What is the Purpose of Prayer?

Until then, we can either remain passive or expectant. Those who are passive give up, but those who are expectant hope that the answer will come at any moment. They wait with confidence. These people are hopeful and expect the problem to be solved at any moment. They wake up in the morning in the expectation of receiving the answer.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Those who have hope may have to wait a long time, but they ask again and again until God suddenly answers. Never give up, and stay full of hope!

Prayer for Today

God, I want to remain full of hope that my prayers will be answered. Our Lord, I will continue to ask you for change in my life, and I know that you will answer my prayer at the right time. I know that God answers prayers, so I will never give up. I pray in the name of Jesus, Amen.



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