Home Daily devotional GOD FULFILLS HIS PROMISES Prayer for January 14


god fulfills his promises

God fulfills His promises – Prayer for January 14. Anyone can make a promise, but not everyone can fulfill the promise that has been made. When God promises us something, he doesn’t forget; he will surely fulfill his promise.

Bible Verse for Today

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful.” (Hebrews 10:23)

Sometimes, we promise someone something, but we can’t fulfill the promise due to circumstances or unforeseen occurrences. This makes the person we promise to feel disappointed. Humanly, we can fail to fulfill our promises to people.

To avoid disappointing people, we promise; before we make promises, it is essential to think very well – we should not be too quick to make promises.

Jephthah was quick to make a promise to the Lord. He promised God that he would sacrifice the first things out of his house if he won the battle. Unfortunately for Jephthah, it was his daughter that came out first. Some promises may cost us more than we think. This is why we must not be too quick to make promises.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Some people may pressure you to make a quick promise, but you do not allow that – don’t allow yourself to be forced to make promises.

God is the only one who can promise and never fail to fulfill the promise. When God promises us anything, he doesn’t disappoint us. There are lots of his promises in the Bible, what we need to do is to claim these promises – they are made for us, we need the fulfillment of these promises in our lives, we can get it by claiming them. God knows his plans for us, and they are for good and not for evil.

This is why he promise that he will provide for us, he promised he will never leave us in time of trouble. Even when we are unfaithful, he remains faithful and cares for us.

God Fulfills His Promises Prayer for Today

Dear Lord, if there’s any time that I have made a quick promise and I was unable to fulfill the promise, thereby causing disappointment, God, I pray you to forgive me today. Please help me say the right words and never promise in vain. You are the only one who fulfills a promise. I’m trusting in you to fulfill the promises you have made to us in your word. Let your will alone be done. Amen.

Also read: Prayer for January 13


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