Home Daily devotional GOD GIVES YOU A NEW HEART Prayer for January 21

GOD GIVES YOU A NEW HEART Prayer for January 21

god gives you a new heart

God gives you a new heart – Prayer for January 21. We need to tell God to purify us. No one will see him except those who are pure. Let’s ask God to create a clean heart and make us new again.

Bible Verse for Today

“Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, the new creation has come: The old has gone, the new is here!” (2 Corinthians 5:17)

We have discovered from the word that the man in Christ is a kind of man we can call a new man. 2 Corinthians 5:17 tells of what happened to everyone who decides to give their lives to Christ. God gives them a new life, a new self, a new opportunity, and a new identity.

When the Bible says, all these are passed away. It means whatever you were known to be called before is gone; you are a new species. God made a man in the Garden of Eden in his own image. When man fell into the Garden, the identity of the initial man died, and another type came in, that is, the one with sin. Through him, everyone’s identity changed to a sinful one.

God did not create the fallen man; it was the work of the devil, the work of sin. Satan enslaved man through sin, and man began to work under the forces of wickedness, drawing them far away from God.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Because of the tragedies befalling man, God had to make a plan to recreate man. He recreated man through and in Jesus Christ. Everyone now has the opportunity to change their identity. The sinful identity has death by its side; death is the reward. Anyone who wants to transfer from the old man to the new man must accept Jesus Christ.

This is a simple way to become a new man. You are a new creation with a new capacity to function like God. You have been recreated in Christ to do good works. Now, you are not ordinary but filled with the divine power – go into the day believing you have the power.

God Gives you a New Heart Prayer for Today

Dear  Lord, I believe in you I am a new species, I am a new creation and I carry the power of God because I am now in the image of God. I will not fall today; I will rise and remain like God. I will fiction like God and stay in Christ forever more. Amen.

Also read: Prayer for January 20


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