Home Daily devotional GOD PROMISES NEVER TO LEAVE US Prayer for June 14


God promises never to leave us

God promises never to leave us – Prayer for June 14. We all face challenges that are overwhelming sometimes but God cannot leave us to be defeated. So don’t give up fighting let’s wait upon the Lord.

Bible Verse for Today

“But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” (Isaiah 40:31)

There is always time to harvest no matter how long it takes. Giving up is never an option; there is no permanent situation anywhere in this world. There is always light at the end of the tunnel.

We can find several cases in the Bible where some people faced challenges big enough for them to give up but still they held unto God and they recorded breakthroughs.

Hannah had no child for years and she kept on praying and hoping until God answered her. Job experienced a great disaster, he was once rich but became poor, and he trusted in God and refuse to give up on him so his story changed for the better.

Thomas Edison, the man that invented the light bulb, was tagged “stupid” and he couldn’t secure a job because he was “non-productive.” He was moved to invent something special, the light bulb. It was recorded that he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts before he later gets a positive result.

When he was asked how he felt failing about 1,000 times and not giving up, he replied and said “I didn’t fail 1000 times, I only discovered 1000 ways to invent the light bulb.”

Imagine the scientist not giving up after trying and failing 1000 times. You have no reason to give up yet, with God all things are possible, just keep doing it and it will surely be a success.

God Promises Never to Leave us Prayer for Today

Dear Lord, you have brought me to this new day again. It is an opportunity from you for me to get the best of today. I thank you for yesterday, you did well and I am trusting you for a better day today.

God renew my heart today and help me to do what you want me to do. Lord, please forgive my past mistakes and cleanse me. I need you to strengthen me too and let me be courageous so I won’t give. Encourage me to do more Lord, when I’m about to give up, give me the strength to keep going. Amen.

Also read: GOD CHOOSE US FOR PURPOSE Prayer for June 13


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