Home Daily devotional GOD IS OUR SALVATION Prayer for October 19

GOD IS OUR SALVATION Prayer for October 19

God is our salvation

God is our salvation – Prayer for October 19. You can not fulfill your intended purpose of God if you let fear overwhelm you. Fear is a close relative of anxiety, and if you give it a room in your thoughts, you will feel miserable. That robs the joy from your life; you feel sad and lost.

Bible Verse for Today

The Lord is my light and my salvation—
whom shall I fear?
The Lord is the stronghold of my life—
of whom shall I be afraid? (Psalm 27:1)

We can remember many situations in our lives when we felt scared. For example, you’ve planned a trip and are excited about this fantastic opportunity, but you couldn’t think of anything else but a long and tiring flight.

In such situations, God speaks to our hearts and shows us that we can overcome fear by focusing on God’s word and thinking about it. If we thought only about a long journey, we would have taken all the anticipation God wanted to give us.

God is our salvation in any situation

Fear is a trap, and you must be determined not to stumble. But, unfortunately, sometimes things happen that cause fear or anxiety in us. For example, maybe there is an uncertain future ahead of you, or you are dealing with new and challenging situations; then read Psalm 27:1 and pray aloud, “The Lord is my light and my salvation— whom shall I fear?”

Trust God and believe He is our salvation in any situation.

God is Our Salvation Prayer for Today

Lord, we declare that you are our light and our salvation. Thanks to you, we do not have to fear the future and any challenging situations. You will succeed us. Lord, lead us in your truth and teach us. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Also read: KEEP GOD’S WORD IN YOUR HEART Prayer for October 18


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