Home Daily devotional Healing for the Hurting – Daily Devotional for February 17

Healing for the Hurting – Daily Devotional for February 17

Healing for the Hurting daily Devotional for February 17

In today’s daily devotional reading for February 17, we are invited to become witnesses of Jesus in our own lives, reflecting His unwavering commitment to bring healing for the hurting, as seen in His encounter with Levi, the tax collector.

Daily Devotional for February 17

“On hearing this, Jesus said, ‘It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners.'” (Mark 2:17)

Your Invitation to Follow

Throughout history, there have been many who were lost and fell into the captivity of evil. But just as consistently, there have been those called by Jesus who dedicated themselves to the salvation of the doomed.

When we read the lives of the saints, we can only marvel at their commitment to respond to Jesus’ call and all the graces of God that were bestowed upon them to fulfill this mission.

Jesus’ invitation reaches you today, wherever you are, inviting you to partake in the work of His Kingdom. Just like Levi, who did not hesitate to leave his post, became the apostle Matthew, and followed, you are invited to respond to Jesus’ call with an open heart (Luke 5:27-32).

Dining at the Table of Grace

Imagine yourself at Levi’s banquet amidst those deemed unworthy by society yet entirely accepted by Jesus. This scene is a beautiful reminder that you, too, are welcome at God’s table, no matter your past.

Facing Judgment with Compassion

When you encounter judgment, either from others or within yourself, remember Jesus’ response to the Pharisees. His focus on healing, not judgment, challenges you to adopt the same stance of compassion and understanding towards yourself and those around you.

Healing for the Hurting

This narrative encourages you to reflect on your own life. Where do you need Jesus’ healing touch? Recognize that His grace is extended to you, offering redemption and a fresh start.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, thank You for Your open invitation to follow You and Your promise of healing. Help me to see myself and others through Your lens of grace. Teach me to extend the same compassion You show, and lead me to your table where all are welcome. Inspire me, Lord, to walk in Your footsteps, carrying Your light of healing and hope into every corner of my life and into the lives of those I encounter. Amen.

To You

Which aspect of today’s story touches your heart? How is Jesus calling you into His healing embrace today, and how will you respond?

As you reflect on Levi’s story and the banquet of grace, let it remind you of Jesus’ healing presence in your life. He invites you to be part of His redemptive work, extending His love and grace to a world in need. Amen.

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