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How to recognize God’s will in your life – Devotional for June 28

How to recognize God's will in your life devotional for June 28

Growing in Spiritual Discernment: How to recognize God’s will in your life. Discerning God’s will is a desire that resides deep within the heart of every believer. We long to align our lives with His perfect plan and purpose. But how can we discern God’s will amidst our many choices and decisions?

Daily Devotional for June 28

Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight. (Proverbs 3:5-6)

How to recognize God’s will in your life

The first step in discerning God’s will is cultivating a close relationship with Him. Spending time in prayer, reading His Word, and seeking His presence enables us to tune our hearts to His voice. In this intimate communion, we gain clarity and wisdom to discern His will.

Another criterion for recognizing God’s will is aligning our desires with His. When our hearts are surrendered to Him, our desires naturally align with His. As we seek His kingdom above all else, He guides our hearts and shapes our desires by His will.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

God’s will is also revealed through the counsel of wise and mature believers. Seeking godly counsel allows us to gain different perspectives and insights that can help us discern the path God is leading us to. Surrounding ourselves with a community of believers rooted in the Word and led by the Spirit provides a valuable support system in our journey of discernment.

Furthermore, God’s will often unfolds through open doors and closed doors. Sometimes He opens doors of opportunity that align with His plan for our lives, while at other times, He closes doors that lead us away from His purposes. Paying attention to the circumstances and opportunities that come our way can provide valuable indications of God’s leading.

Growing in Spiritual Discernment

Discerning God’s will requires surrendering our desires and plans to Him. It involves trusting He knows what is best for us and submitting to His guidance, even when it may challenge our understanding or preferences.

Prayer for Today

Dear Heavenly Father, we seek your guidance and wisdom as we strive to discern your will. Open our hearts to hear your voice and grant us clarity and understanding. Help us align our desires with yours and give us the courage to surrender our plans for your greater purposes. Surround us with godly counsel and grant us discernment to recognize the open and closed doors you place before us. May our lives be a testament to your guiding hand, and may we walk confidently in the path you have set before us. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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