Home Daily devotional JESUS HAS POWER Lent #day 19

JESUS HAS POWER Lent #day 19

jesus has power

Jesus has power – Prayer for Lent #day 19. Life is not easy, we start some things and it gets to a point we don’t even feel like going further. We feel tired, we want to give up. What God is telling us now is that we should never give up, that we should be strong and keep going.

Bible Verse for Today

“Looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.” (Hebrews 12:2)

The system of the world is tiring. We do things and get frustrated along the line. We have started Lent, it will get to a point when we will get tired and be tempted to stop. If we are looking at our energy, we will not go far. We must look at one person that is Jesus.

Jesus has the power to keep us going and going stronger.

When Jesus was walking on the water, Peter saw him and wanted to confirm if it was Jesus. He asked Jesus to command him to walk on the water too. Jesus did and Peter started walking on water. Peter got to a point and couldn’t go anymore, he stopped focusing on Jesus the author of his faith. He looked at the waves of the sea and he sank. Losing focus is one thing in life but losing focus on Jesus will be a great loss to anyone.

Jesus is the one giving us the direction we must let our eyes stay glued to him.

At some point, we think we have succeeded in doing something because we have probably gone far. We believe that we have escaped all the storms and right at the end of everything, we are faced with a stronger storm. This is frustrating but we have Jesus, we shouldn’t bother much about some of these things as Jesus will take care of them and give us victory. Even in the storm, we have to keep going, in this time of Lent, we have to keep going. The endpoint matters.

The challenges that you faced will become a testimony of how Jesus pulled you through.

Jesus Has Power Prayer for Today

Lord, I know I have no power of my own to continue this journey of life. It is stressful and frustrating. I believe in you and I pray that you give me the courage to keep going. Please, Lord, let me be successful in all I do. Amen.

Also read: OVERCOMING DOUBTS Lent #day 18


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