Home Daily devotional Keep God in First Place – Daily Devotional for May 6

Keep God in First Place – Daily Devotional for May 6

Keep God in First Place daily Devotional for May 6

In our busy lives, it’s easy to prioritize other things over our relationship with God. From careers to relationships, anything can become an idol if we allow it to overshadow God’s place in our hearts. Today, in Daily Devotional for May 6, let’s reflect on the importance of keeping God first in all aspects of our lives.

Daily Devotional for May 6

“Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.” (Matthew 6:33)

Identifying Idols in Our Lives

An idol can be anything that takes precedence over God. It might be a person whose opinion you value more than God’s or your career that consumes all your time and energy. “Dear children, keep yourselves from idols.” (1 John 5:21)

Recognize the things that are slowly creeping into God’s rightful place in your life, and have the courage to address them.

Keep God in First Place

When you identify something that’s taken a higher priority than your relationship with God, you must be willing to take action to rectify it. This could mean, for example, reassessing your career if it’s overshadowing your spiritual life or setting healthier boundaries in relationships.

God deserves the first place in your heart.

Remember What Truly Matters

In the end, everything on this earth will pass away, and only your relationship with God will remain.

Don’t spend your life worshiping something that will eventually turn to dust. Instead, seek to put God at the center of your life and trust that everything else will fall into its rightful place.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Lord, help me keep You in the first place in my life. Guide me to recognize any idols I’ve unknowingly placed before You, and give me the courage to set things right. May Your kingdom and righteousness always be my priority. Amen.

To You

Reflect on your current priorities. What might you need to reassess to keep God in the first place in your life? How can you ensure your relationship with Him stays vital and central?

Putting God first is a continuous journey. By making Him the Alpha and Omega of your life, you ensure that your actions and decisions align with His will. Seek Him first and let everything else follow. Amen.

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