Home Daily devotional Magnificat – Mary’s Song of Praise, Devotional for December 22

Magnificat – Mary’s Song of Praise, Devotional for December 22

Magnificat Mary's Song of Praise, Devotional for December 22

Today’s Daily Devotional gives us an example of how to respond to God’s grace. In Luke 1:46-56, we encounter Mary’s Magnificat, a profound praise hymn reflecting her deep faith and understanding of God’s work in her life and the world. This passage invites us to reflect on the genuine praise and why we glorify God.

Daily Devotional for December 22

“And Mary said: ‘My soul glorifies the Lord and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, for he has been mindful of the humble state of his servant…'” (full text at Luke 1:46-56)

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

Mary’s song is a beautiful expression of joy and gratitude, acknowledging God’s mighty deeds and mercy.

Praise from the Depths

Mary’s praise emanates from the depths of her soul, a genuine response to the recognition of God’s incredible work in her life. Her example encourages us to let our praise be deep-seated and heartfelt, rooted in an awareness of God’s personal touch in our lives.

God’s Regard for the Humble

The Magnificat highlights God’s particular regard for the humble and lowly. Mary celebrates this divine characteristic, recognizing that God often chooses the unlikely and the overlooked to fulfill His grand purposes.

The Bigger Picture

Mary’s praise goes beyond her circumstances. She reflects on the broader implications of Jesus’ birth – the fulfillment of God’s promises, His mercy extended to generation after generation, and His mighty acts that demonstrate His justice and care for the oppressed.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

What is our reaction when God answers prayers and grants requests? Usually none. Unfortunately. It seems to us that everything happened naturally that we tried hard and succeeded, that we just happened to be in the right place at the right time. We just enjoy our success and don’t even think about God’s contribution.

The end of Advent opens our eyes by bringing Mary’s song of praise to our attention.

Prayer for Today

Lord, as I meditate on Mary’s Magnificat, I am inspired to offer my song of praise to You. Like Mary, let my soul magnify You for all the beautiful ways You have worked in my life. Thank You for Your love and mercy, which You generously pour out on those who fear You. Help me to maintain a humble heart, that I might continually find favor in Your eyes. Open my eyes to see Your hand in my personal story and the larger narrative of Your redemptive work in the world. May my life be a testament to Your goodness and faithfulness, just as Mary’s was. In moments of joy and challenge, remind me to always turn to You with a song of praise. I pray in the name of Jesus, our Savior, who is the ultimate expression of Your mercy and love. Amen.


Reflect on the aspects of your life where you have witnessed God’s mercy and faithfulness. Consider writing down your thoughts or expressing them in a prayer of praise.

May the spirit of Mary’s Magnificat inspire your praise today. In every circumstance, may your heart find reasons to rejoice in God, your Savior, and may your life be a melody of gratitude and awe for His unending grace. Amen.

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