Home Special prayers Daily prayers Monday Prayer for Morning, Night, Workplace, and Meeting

Monday Prayer for Morning, Night, Workplace, and Meeting

Monday prayer for morning night workplace meeting

Smile and start your day with a Monday morning prayer, a prayer before work, a prayer for a work meeting, a protection prayer, an evening prayer, and a Monday night prayer in inspirational pictures.

1 Monday Morning Prayer

Monday morning prayer

Lord Jesus, you are the way, the truth, and the life. So therefore, please come with us today into a new work week. Please help us rise above all storms and disasters by your grace. Please help us be faithful throughout the week and never turn away from you. Inspire us with new resolve. Strengthen our good intentions. Renew our strength when we are tired. Deliver us from difficulties we cannot overcome. Your presence beside us will give us courage and joy. Thank you, Jesus, for being our Lord. Amen.

“In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly.” (Psalm 5:3)

2 Monday Prayer for Protection

Monday prayer for protection

Heavenly Father, this Monday morning, I pray especially for my family, my spouse, and my children. Grant them your care and protect them physically, emotionally, and spiritually. Do not let evil come near them. In all the dangers, inspire them to trust in you and to look to you for help. I ask you, Lord, to protect them from men’s evil intentions, deception, and lies. Please give them the Holy Spirit’s insight and wisdom in all situations. Help them find peace of heart in your shelter. Let them know that Jesus is their faithful Saviour and Teacher. Bless each family member to share love, smile, and find agreement and unity. Thank you, Heavenly Father, for all the graces you have given my family. Hear my prayer in Jesus’ name. Amen.

3 Monday Prayer Before Work

Monday prayer before work

Lord Jesus, you said, “Without me, you can do nothing.” And that is true. That’s why I start my working day by praying to you. First of all, thank you for your care and daily blessing. I want to share with you, Lord, all the works and tasks of the day. I may lack strength and courage, so do not leave me alone. I also entrust my future plans, desires, and worries to your grace. I ask for your help so I do not lose confidence and remain enthusiastic and committed. I pray that all my wishes and plans, by your will, may be fulfilled successfully. Lord Jesus, I want all my work today to be for building the Kingdom of Heaven. Amen.

4 Prayer in the Workplace

Prayer in the workplace

Heavenly Father, with your blessing, I enter my workplace. I pray that I may be able to bring your presence with me. That through me you may spread your peace and grace. Thank you for all the gifts you have given me. Let me remember that it is your blessing that I have this job. Please give me the strength and wisdom to carry out all the tasks entrusted to me. Please help me to cooperate reasonably with my co-workers and clients throughout the day. May our work, ideas, and projects be for your glory and the good of the people. When I am tired, strengthen me, Lord. When I am unsure of a solution, enlighten my mind, Lord. When I become stressed, give me inner peace. May this working day bring joy and success for me and glory to you, my heavenly Father. I ask in Jesus’ name. Amen.

5 Prayer for Work Meeting

Prayer for a work meeting

Lord, you call us to fulfill our vocation by working for the well-being of people and your glory. You have gathered us here today to discuss the themes that will help this organization move forward as one team. Be with us at this meeting. Please give us the creativity and wisdom to come up with new ideas and ways of implementing them. Please remove any obstacles that would hinder the productivity of our meeting. With your help, Lord, may we achieve the success we desire. Amen.

6 Monday Evening Prayer

Monday evening prayer

Heavenly Father, the day is ending, and I adore you because you are lovely and loving. Thank You for accompanying and protecting me and my loved ones throughout the day. Lord, I ask that you embrace us with your loving arms tonight. Bless all the members of the family who have returned home after the day’s work. By your grace, dispel our tiredness and low spirits and protect us from the attacks of the evil one. I ask that there be no quarrels, scenes of jealousy, or outbursts of anger in the house this evening. Let us enter into the sleep of the night in peace. Let us forget all the day’s stress and fall into a healing sleep. I pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.

7 Monday Night Prayer

Monday night prayer

Heavenly Father, I close my eyes, and before falling asleep, I turn to you again. Thank you for this whole day, which, by your grace, has been excellent and successful. Please forgive me if I have sinned or been wrong today. I pray for my family. May they sleep a peaceful and undisturbed sleep. I pray that your love may touch my friends and those around me. I pray for the people of the whole world that, with your help, they may live this night in peace and respect for one another. I pray that the night may be peaceful and full of your protection and blessing. I ask this in the name of Jesus Christ. Good night, my Lord. Amen.

Prayers for Monday

Every step of this Monday will be accompanied by God’s help, blessing, and protection.

Monday is a beautiful day. Oh yes, believe me! God gave this day to you as a gift. So smile and start with a Monday prayer that will motivate you. Inspiration Monday prayer images are also included for this morning. You will also discover a prayer before work, a prayer for a work meeting, a protection prayer, an evening prayer, and a Monday night prayer.

Related Prayers:

Monday Blessings
Sunday Blessings
Tuesday Prayer

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

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