national day of prayer 2019

Usually the National Day of Prayer is held on the first Thursday of May each year. On this day people of all faiths join to unified public prayer for the nation. This day is devoted for interceding for America’s leaders and families. The National Day of Prayer first time was organized in 1952 when United States Congress issued the joint resolution, which was signed into law by President Harry S. Truman. On this day all the nation is invited to mobilize in prayer to intercede for countries leaders and families. As Christians, we know that it’s very important that we pray for one another. This year National Day of Prayer 2019 will take place on Thursday, May 2. So this will be the 67th Annual National Observance.

National Day of Prayer History

Public prayer and national days of prayer have a long history in American society. Since the first call to prayer in 1775, when colonies were asked by the Continental Congress to pray for wisdom in forming a nation, the call to prayer has continued through America’s history.

In 1863 President Lincoln’s announced Humiliation, fasting, and prayer” day, but only in the 1952 year, an annual National day of prayer declared. Finally, in 1988 President Reagan signed the law which set this day on the first Thursday of May every year. So each year, the President of United States signs a proclamation, encouraging all Americans to join in prayer. As a result, already have been 143 national calls to prayer, fasting, humiliation, and thanksgiving by the President of the United States in the 1789-2014 period.

Importance of the National Day of Prayer 2019

National Day of Prayer is significant and important for the nation. This day enables to remember how the founding fathers of the nation based their decisions in faith to God. Prayer brings different people together and prayer unites all people and different political parties.

Also, prayer reminds us that we all are created in God’s image and likeness. God desires for us to represent Him everywhere we go and in everything we do. We know that without God we are nothing! Let God be the leader of all our nation life each day.

So on this day, all the nation comes with the humbled hearts before God. All the nation asks for His guidance and support for the leaders and His Grace to all the people. This day is especially important in these difficult times when the political situation is unstable. Our national leaders face difficult decisions, sometimes they lack love for one another. This day unites all Americans from different political, ethnic, and socio-economic backgrounds in prayer for all the nation and its leaders.

National Day of Prayer 2019 Theme – Love One Another

Only unconditional love for one another on different levels can change the nation and all the world. We should remember the words of Jesus and implement them in our daily lives. Let’s pray together God to teach us to love one another as Jesus loved us. That is difficult but not impossible, let’s make a try.

National Day of Prayer 2019 Bible Verse

“Love one another. Just as I have loved you.” (John 13:34)

Pray for America to Love One Another

On the National Day of Prayer 2019 please pray for:

  1. America to love one another. As is stated in John 13:34 “Love one another. Just as I have loved you”.  By these words Jesus tells us to love one another and this includes every person in all the world. We should love one another unconditionally because Jesus showed us an example of such a love. He has sent the Holy Spirit to empower us. In our prayers let’s ask God to replace hate with love and criticism of one another with love for one another.
  2. For the Church in America to love one another. John 13:35 says, “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” Jesus explains to his disciples that only love to each other distinct us from others. Let’s ask God to make our church loving one. Ask that all churches in America to love one another and to cooperate together for the greater purpose.
  3. For families, communities and cities in Amerika to love one another. Bible states in 1 John 4:7, “Dear friends, let us love one another, because love is from God, and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God.”  By belonging to Jesus, we belong to love. Let all people know that love is always God’s way. Ask God to maket all families, workplaces, communities, and cities can experience the transforming power of love. Let everybody choose unconditional love.
  4. For all ethnicities and people in America to love one another. “Love finds no joy in unrighteousness but rejoices in the truth. It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. Love never ends.” (1 Corinthians 13:6-8). We all are made in the image of God and we all are of one race. Love never ends. By the death on the cross Jesus has torn down all the walls that divide us and opened a new pathway for us to love one another. Let’s ask God to give us power to choose a new future together where everybody lives in unconditional love.
  5. For we will love God and each other so much that we will pray for the next great spiritual awakening in America. “Besides this, since you know the time, it is already the hour for you to wake up from sleep, because now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.” (Romans 13:11). We live in a significant moment and difficult times for America. We need the next Great Spiritual Awakening of our nation. Let’s ask God that such awakening occur in our generation.

National Day of Prayer 2019 text

ALMIGHTY GOD, our Heavenly Father, we look to You alone for the future of America. By Your providence, You have placed each of us here at this time in history to be in this nation. Thank You for this blessing. Thank You for America.

BUT ABOVE ALL, we thank You for the gift of Your Son, Jesus Christ, the Son of the Living God. It is in His name, we come to You as we intercede in prayer for America.

FORGIVE US, OH LORD, for the sins we have committed against You in America. We are failing You by dishonoring one another through our harsh and bitter words about each other. We are failing You through broken relationships. We are failing You by devaluing human life from conception until death. We are failing You with the division in our nation.

LORD, WE TURN FROM these sinful actions and refuse to live this way. Please forgive us now and help us to choose love over hate, unity over division, and life over death.

WE CHOOSE to live by Jesus’ words: Love One Another. Therefore, upon the authority of Your Word in John 13:34, “Love one another. Just as I have loved you,” we pray for a future America that will choose to love willfully, sacrificially, and unconditionally just like Jesus loves us.

WE PRAY FOR THE CHURCH in America to love one another. Empower each church to be full of love for one another. Ignite a revival of love for one another. Since we are to be known by our love, help us to love one another.

WE PRAY FOR EVERY FAMILY, EVERY WORKPLACE, EVERY COMMUNITY, AND EVERY CITY IN AMERICA to choose love. We believe there is power in love. We believe love is the better way. We believe love is God’s Way. Oh Lord, change families, workplaces, communities, and cities through the power of love. Raise up a Love One Another movement across America.

WE PRAY FOR ALL ETHNICITIES AND PEOPLE IN AMERICA to love one another. Lord, tear down every wall of division and change any attitude that divides us today. Bind up our nation’s wounds and may the transforming love of God lead us to the day when justice will roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream.

WE PRAY FOR YOUR LOVE to surround America. We pray for Your love to surround and protect us in every public setting and private place. Protect us from harm.

WE BELIEVE ALL OF THESE THINGS, OH LORD, represent our deep need for the next great move of God across America. We ask You alone for the next Great Spiritual Awakening in America. Please, oh God, wake up Your church and revive Your people today. We ask You to begin a mighty spiritual awakening in every town, every city, and every county in America.

WE NEED AND DESIRE THIS SO MUCH, THAT BEGINNING RIGHT NOW, we are choosing love and forgiveness, love and restitution, love and healing, love and unity, and a future that will be transformed by the power of unconditional love. When we belong to You, we belong to love. We choose to Love One Another!

IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST, the only Savior and Hope in this world we pray. Amen.

Dr. Ronnie Floyd
President, National Day of Prayer Task Force
Senior Pastor, Cross Church


Let’s unite in National Day of Prayer 2019 asking God to teach us love one another. Only unconditional love can save the world and our nation. Let’s unite in our prayer with love for one another and let everybody experience how powerful and transforming is real love.

Also read: NATIONAL DAY OF PRAYER 2018 Pray for America Unity


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