Home Daily devotional POWER PRAYING JESUS NAME Prayer for Today June 23

POWER PRAYING JESUS NAME Prayer for Today June 23

power praying Jesus name

Power praying Jesus name – Prayer for June 23. The only name that brings power to our prayers and makes them effective is the name of Jesus. There is power in the name, let’s keep praying in the name of Jesus alone.

Bible Verse for Today

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son.” (John 14:13)

Jesus himself told us to pray in his name, whenever we desire something and we want God to do it for us, we must ask in the name of God.

The name of Jesus is a very unique name. Jesus, before his birth, was named by God himself because he will carry power. It is a recommended name to mankind.

If we must go to God in prayers, we must go through Jesus. There is a power praying Jesus name.

John 14:6 “Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” It is a must to go through Jesus, that’s the only route to God in prayers, in worship, and in whatever we do. So that God would be glorified in the Son [Jesus], he will answer all our prayers in his name.

Whatever we do today, when we pray anywhere – be it in your place of work, school, or in any public place – when you pray, it doesn’t matter the duration of the prayer, just make it effective and powerful by praying in the name of Jesus.

Grace is given through this name, we know we have sinned but through the name of Jesus, we will receive grace to enter into the throne of mercy. John 1:17 “For the Law was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”

Power Praying Jesus Name Prayer for Today

Lord, I thank you for the privilege you have given me to be able to call upon your name. Your grace has found me and now I am worthy to be called your Friend. You said that anything we ask in your name you will do – today Lord, whatever I ask in your name, whatever prayer I say in your name, let it be answered so that God would be glorified. Amen.



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