Home Daily devotional Seek The Kingdom First – Daily Devotional for November 15

Seek The Kingdom First – Daily Devotional for November 15

Seek The Kingdom First daily Devotional for November 15

Amidst the flurry of our days, it’s easy to become entangled in the pressing demands of life. Yet, Jesus invites us to rise above the immediate and anchor our lives to pursue something more significant. Seek the Kingdom first.

Daily Devotional for November 15

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” (Matthew 6:33)

Seek The Kingdom First

Jesus’ directive is clear: prioritize the Kingdom of God. This profound call reshapes our understanding of life’s ultimate goal – a call to a Kingdom-oriented life.

1. Kingdom Focused.

Our primary pursuit should be the righteousness of God – living by His values, principles, and love. This is the heart of seeking His Kingdom first.

2. Trust in His Provision.

We trust Him to meet our needs as we align with God’s Kingdom. Our Father knows what we need before we ask and is faithful to provide.

3. Eternal Investment.

Every action, thought, and intention becomes an investment in eternity. This focus transcends our temporal concerns and redefines our concept of success.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, on this new day, I come before You with a desire to align my life with the call to seek Your Kingdom first. Help me to prioritize Your presence and righteousness above all else. Teach me to live by the unshakable truth that as I devote myself to Your Kingdom, You will care for my needs. May this assurance release me from the anxieties of life and enable me to serve You wholeheartedly.

Guide me in making decisions that honor You and lead me in the way of wisdom so that I may embody the values of Your Kingdom in every aspect of my life. I lay before You my worries and wants, trusting that You know and care for each one. Fill me with Your Spirit, that I may exhibit Your love and grace to all around me. In seeking Your Kingdom first, let my life reflect the beauty and glory of Christ, who embodies Your Kingdom here on earth. It is in His powerful name I pray, Amen.

To You

Consider what seeking the Kingdom of God first means in your daily life. What is one step you can take today to realign your priorities toward this ultimate goal?

My brother, may the Spirit of the Lord guide you to seek His Kingdom with every breath. In all your endeavors today, may you be filled with the assurance of His providence and the peace that comes from living with eternal priorities. Amen.

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