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Third Week of Advent Prayer Points – Prepare the Way for the Lord

Third Week of Advent Prayer Points Prepare the Way for the Lord

Third week of Advent prayer points. During Advent, we are invited to follow the call of the prophet Isaiah to prepare the way to the Lord (Isaiah 40:3). In the second half of Advent, we read in the Bible how John the Baptist, inspired by the prophet’s words, launches a wave of spiritual upliftment: ‘Let us prepare the way of the Saviour!’

Let us, therefore, also pave the way of love of neighbor so that our Saviour may come. The third week of Advent points us in the direction of Christmas. The prayer points touch on the most critical areas of life where love, friendship, and support are most lacking.

Third week of Advent prayer points

The Lord is near. Do not worry about anything, but in every situation, prayerfully and gratefully present your requests to God. With this confidence, let us also call on God, our Father.

Pray for the forgotten people

Let us pray for people who, for various reasons, feel abandoned and who suffer because they have no one to confide in.

1 Pray for abandoned children

Let us pray for all children who do not receive proper care and attention and can not develop to the best of their abilities and talents.

2 Pray for the elderly

Let us pray for the elderly who find it challenging to say the word “joy” when they are going about their daily lives and longing for a visit, a conversation, or an affectionate gesture.

3 Pray for young people

Let us pray for young people for whom lasting joy has become a foreign word, for whom the threshold of frustration is very high, and who always want something new and almost out of reach.

4 Pray for people with quiet hearts

Let us pray for people who know how to enjoy the little things of everyday life, who have remained humble and close to life, who do not need to follow all the trends, and who prefer to follow Jesus.

5 Pray for the leaders

We pray for those who have responsibilities in these difficult times and try to make wise decisions in politics, society, business, and church.

6 Prayer for brothers and sisters who have died

Let us pray for our dead, who have completed the journey of life and have found a home with God, where eternal joy is a reality and not an empty phrase.

God of life, we pray to You; please hear us!

Also read:

Heavenly Father, out of love for our neighbors, we bring our petitions to You in the third week of Advent. We and all those with us seek You and the meaning of Your Good News; we hope and believe in You today and forever. Amen.

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