Home Daily devotional Trust Over Feelings in Trials – Daily Devotional for March 12

Trust Over Feelings in Trials – Daily Devotional for March 12

Trust Over Feelings in Trials daily Devotional for March 12

In life, trials and tribulations weave alongside those of joy and peace. In these challenging times, our feelings can cloud our perception, making us feel forsaken, much like Jesus felt on the cross. Yet, in these moments, we are also called to place trust over feelings, anchoring ourselves in the steadfastness of God’s promises.

Daily Devotional for March 12

“Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6)

Trust Over Feelings in Trials

Have you ever felt forsaken by God? Jesus did. As He hung on the cross, suffering for our sins, He cried out, questioning why God had forsaken Him.

The Illusion of Abandonment

Feeling forsaken is a profoundly human experience that even Jesus expressed in His most vulnerable moment. Yet, this sense of abandonment is often an illusion, a fog of emotions obscuring the unchanging truth of God’s presence. Remember, feelings, though intense, do not always reflect reality. In times of trial, your feelings might scream abandonment, but God’s Word whispers a constant promise of presence.

Choose Trust

Trusting God over your fluctuating emotions is a deliberate choice that requires conscious effort. Like the psalmist in Psalm 22, you can acknowledge your feelings of forsakenness while still declaring your trust in God’s deliverance. It’s a powerful act of faith to say, “I will trust You, God,” especially when your feelings tempt you to believe otherwise.

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Praise as an Act of Defiance

In the depths of despair, praising God can feel counterintuitive. Yet, declaring His goodness and faithfulness is not only an act of worship but spiritual warfare. It shifts your focus from your circumstances and feelings to the unshakable truths of God’s character and His promises. Let your decision to praise be based not on fleeting emotions but on the solid rock of who God is.

Prayer for Today

Father, please help me prioritize trust over feelings in my trials. When waves of despair threaten to pull me under, let me cling to the lifeline of Your Word, remembering Your promise never to leave nor forsake me. Teach me to praise You not for what I feel but for who You are—my ever-present help in times of need. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

To You

Have you ever felt overwhelmed by your feelings amid trials? How can you remind yourself to trust God’s unchanging nature, even when your emotions tell a different story?

As you face the trials of life, may you find the strength to choose trust over feelings, anchoring yourself in the truth of God’s Word. In this act of faith, you’ll discover a peace that transcends understanding and a God who is ever by your side. Amen.

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