Home Daily devotional Blessed are You who Seek God. The devotional for Sixth Sunday

Blessed are You who Seek God. The devotional for Sixth Sunday

Blessed are You who Seek God devotional

In today’s Daily Devotional, we read that Jesus descended from a mountain to a plain. On the mountain was an encounter with God. Coming down to the plain was an encounter with people. Jesus comes down from the mountain and brings a wonderful message to the people: “Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.” (Luke 6:21) Blessed are you who seek God.

The Devotional for Sixth Sunday

Rejoice in that day and leap for joy, because great is your reward in Heaven. (full text at Luke 6:17-26)

Blessed are You who Seek God

Do we have to go up a mountain? No, Jesus does not make his connection with the Father dependent on a place. But we need places of retreat, which can be a church, a quiet corner in the apartment, a break between two appointments, waiting at the bus stop, a pilgrimage as well as deliberately chosen retreats.

But something else must be added to the change of place, we must open ourselves to the presence of God in our lives.

God is a Loving Father

And here are the greatest difficulties. We have made God a moral judge who turns away from us when we do not conform to Christian standards.

But this God we imagine has nothing to do with Jesus’ merciful Father. Jesus’ God and Father do not turn away from the man.

It is our illusion, the illusion of sin that we are under when we believe that God has turned away because we turn our backs on Him. He is there for you and me and longs for our turning to him and our paying attention.

It doesn’t matter what mess you’re in, what wrong turns you’ve taken, God is faithful and longs for you.

So Jesus can call out to us in his field speech: “Blessed are you poor, you who hunger, you who weep and you who are excluded from the community”. Rejoice, rely on God, trust him, he will turn your life around, he wants you to have life in abundance.

Prayer for Today

Thank you, faithful and loving Father, for Jesus your Son, our Lord, and Savior. Jesus’ love touches us all, the poor and the sick, the marginalized and the sinners. He does not lose sight of any poor person.

Jesus’ life and message teach us that you are the God who cares about people. You, almighty God, care for your children like a Father. That is why I praise and glorify You. On this wonderful Sunday, I praise Your goodness and faithfulness. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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