Home Daily devotional God Expects Real Action. Fifth Sunday Daily Devotional, February 6.

God Expects Real Action. Fifth Sunday Daily Devotional, February 6.

God Expects Real Action Fifth Sunday

Fifth Sunday Devotional. All of us who have received faith have the choice to live our faith or suppress it. God gives us the freedom to choose. God expects real action.

Fifth Sunday Daily Devotional

When Simon Peter saw this, he fell at Jesus’ knees and said, “Go away from me, Lord; I am a sinful man!”
Then Jesus said to Simon, “Don’t be afraid; from now on you will fish for people.” So they pulled their boats up on shore, left everything, and followed him.
(full text at Luke 5:1-11)

Trust is an Expression of Faith

If we are to live by faith in God, faith must be nurtured, strengthened, and confirmed.

How can I express my faith in God? Faith is most fully expressed in trust. It may be just a play on words, but to trust is to accept Jesus Christ as your Savior and to acknowledge the Bible as the Word of God.

Faithfulness is our Free Choice

To trust God is to surrender our lives to His guidance, to confess and repent of our sins. Trusting Jesus means becoming His disciples, proclaiming His gospel, and serving Him.

As a child is faithful to his parents, we must trust in our Father in heaven.

Faith is a gift from God, but faithfulness and service are our free choices. By choosing to serve Him, we are demonstrating our faith.

God Expects real Action

Faith in God is not limited to placing our hearts and minds in His hands. God expects us to do real things.

It is very important to obey His commandments and walk in the way the Bible shows us. “For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead.” (James 2:26)

It may be possible for someone to reach a state of heart and consciousness where all thoughts and feelings are turned towards God and to detach himself from everything worldly. But in most cases, we are forced to live and work with all kinds of people.

Stay Faithful Everyday

Daily life is full of temptations and trials. We must be faithful and obedient to His commandments at every turn. By obeying His guidance, we can be protected and achieve the goal in life that we have set in our faith.

Faith is like a seed that God has sown in us, which we nurture and cultivate in faithfulness to Him. Our faith is that by trusting and obeying, our lives will bear fruit, which is the goal of our lives – eternal life for our souls. May God help us to achieve it! Amen.

Prayer for Today

Lord, I pray for the countless redeemed: may they always remember that they were redeemed from slavery at the cost of Jesus’ life.
Call more people to preach the Gospel, Lord, and strengthen the apostles who are in need in the night of the world.

I commend to you, O God, the rulers and mighty ones of this world. Let them bow down to You, Lord. Let them not hinder the preaching of the Gospel.

Lord, send help to your poor, restore health to the sick, protect the travelers in danger, and strengthen every person in distress.
And may the grace you have given us bear abundant fruit and joy in life.

Stretch out your hand, O Lord, to your people who beg for mercy: help them in the temporal life and bring them to eternal joy. We ask through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

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