Home Daily devotional Advent. JESUS IS ALIVE Prayer for December 14

Advent. JESUS IS ALIVE Prayer for December 14

jesus is alive

Advent. Jesus is alive – Prayer for December 14. It is wonderful news to every one of us that Jesus is alive and he is not dead. He overcame death and we can boldly say he lives in us.

Bible Verse for Today

“Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life. The one who believes in me will live, even though they die;  and whoever lives by believing in me will never die. Do you believe this?” (John 11:25-26)

The news of Jesus being alive is what he hears every Easter celebrate his death and his resurrection but we shouldn’t limit this story to Easter alone. It should be told every day of the year to remind us of the life that he gave us through his death and resurrection.

Before Jesus was arrested and killed, he has been telling the people about the things that will happen to him, he told them about his resurrection – some believed while some did not – as long as we believe and accept the fact that Jesus lives we have invited him into our lives and we can boldly say we will live forever.

The resurrection of Jesus Christ birthed hope for all mankind. When the enemy thought He had killed our hope, God raised him.

Even though we will face physical death, the Bible made us assured that once we are in Christ, we will also be raised just like him. Acts 10:40 “but God raised him from the dead on the third day and caused him to be seen.” Let us stick to Jesus, the one who can help us through our lives. Jesus can make every dead thing in our life come to life, he has the power to revive them all.

Jesus is Alive Prayer for Today

Lord, thank you for the privilege you have given me to abide in you so you can abide in me. It is sure that by your power I will live and reign with you. I believe all my sins will be forgiven and death will have no power over me. Thank you because your resurrection has given me hope. I pray that all the things that seem dead in any area of my life would be revived today. Amen.

Also read: Advent. THE COMING OF CHRIST Prayer for December 13


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