Home Daily devotional PRAISE YOUR FATHER IN HEAVEN Prayer for July 27


praise your father in heaven

Praise your Father in Heaven – Prayer for July 27. Praise the Lord, everybody. When you wake up every morning, do you look in the mirror and ask yourself, “Why?” Why am I getting up? And what am I going to do to lift Jesus today?

Bible Verse for Today

“In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” (Matthew 5:16)

This is the question for today when your light is shining, who gets the credit, you, the electric company, or God?

Let’s look at work, for example. Are you working hard to impress your boss, so he can pat you on the back and maybe name you an employee of the month, or because God, in his word, has asked us to work as unto Him and not unto man. Are you working so that God will be glorified or, so you can be glorified?

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

If you are in ministry, ask yourself the same thing. It is so easy to get caught up in the cares of this world and the pride of life. At work, there is the hustle and bustle of the “rat race” to success and prosperity. In ministry, it is much the same, God gives us a powerful word and gift, and we preach it that Sunday. After the service, people come up to you, saying how much they enjoyed your preaching.

They begin pumping up your ego, telling you how great YOU were, leaving God out of it, and if you’re not grounded, they will send you on a downward spiral into self-reliance and pride.

The flesh and ego love to be petted, and it is so easy to be deceived; we must always check our motives and the motives of those around us. Do whatever you do so that He/God may be glorified.

Praise your Father in Heaven Prayer for Today

Father God, we want to thank you for every gift, talent, and blessing you have poured into our lives. We pray that we always use them to glorify you. Help us, Lord, to remember that it is you and not us that the people are hearing and seeing. We pray that we will always decrease so that you may increase in us where ever you use us. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.



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