Home Daily devotional The Transfiguration of Jesus. Devotional for the Second Sunday of Lent

The Transfiguration of Jesus. Devotional for the Second Sunday of Lent

Transfiguration of Jesus Sunday of Lent

Today, in our daily devotions for the Second Sunday of Lent, we read the beautiful events of Luke’s Gospel. The Transfiguration of Jesus is a sign of what it looks like to be physically touched directly by God.

Devotional for the Second Sunday of Lent

About eight days after Jesus said this, he took Peter, John, and James with him and went up onto a mountain to pray. As he was praying, the appearance of his face changed, and his clothes became as bright as a flash of lightning. (Luke 9:28-29)

The Disciples must experience the Glory

The Transfiguration event is significant for the life of Jesus and his disciples. That is why Jesus takes three witnesses with him up the mountain.

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Before Jesus begins his journey of suffering, the disciples must experience glory. Therefore, Jesus reveals His divine glory so that the disciples’ faith will be strengthened and they will not be frightened when they later see Him suffer.

This is why the apostle Peter writes in his second letter, “For we did not follow cleverly devised myths when we made known to you the power and coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, but we were eyewitnesses of his majesty.” (2 Peter 1:16-18).

The Transfiguration of Jesus

The transfiguration on the mountain awakens the awareness that God is faithful to us. The disciples are at once amazed and frightened. This is very appropriate for God’s revelation because God is, at the same time, a fascinating mystery and a mystery that makes us tremble.

Today we have too much muted this magnificent aspect of God, emphasizing only what is beautiful and lovely about God. Rarely do Christians emphasize God’s infinite greatness, His excellent majesty, glory, and power, and His absolute holiness. As a result, we do not see the whole face of God.

This leads to spiritual impoverishment and false confidence.

But this can only be understood by those who understand who God is: absolutely holy Lord of heaven and earth.

The three disciples understood this at the time and have never forgotten it. Their encounter with the reality of God prepared them for the time to come.

Let us use this Lent

Let us use this Lent to prepare ourselves for the tasks of life. Although we are not called to be martyrs like the apostles, we are called to witness our faith in Jesus Christ. And that sometimes takes a lot of courage.

Moreover, sooner or later, each of us will face various sufferings or illnesses that will be easier to overcome if our relationship with God is strengthened.

The Transfiguration episode is not only proclaimed today to give us courage and strength for self-discipline. This Gospel passage assures us that all the efforts of this life are worthwhile; not a single tear is shed in vain because God has prepared great things for those who love Him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

Prayer for Today

Let our prayer go up to our Heavenly Father, whose voice echoed from the clouds. May his grace transform us to be like his beloved Son Jesus.
Lord, in the spirit of your love, renew the relationships of the families of those at odds and help them reconcile and love.
In Jesus’ death and resurrection, you have finally overcome indifference, hardness of heart, and hatred. Therefore, let us pray that our Christian communities may become islands of mercy and love.
Heavenly Father, look lovingly upon a people who serve you faithfully. May no uncertainty, human frailty, or failure crush those who trust in Your care. We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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