Calling on God in Truth – Daily Devotional for September 7

Calling on God in Truth daily Devotional for September 7

God promises to be near to those who call upon Him. Today, in our Daily Devotional for September 7, we reflect on the importance of calling on God in truth with a sincere heart.

Daily Devotional for September 7

“The Lord is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. He fulfills the desires of those who fear him; he hears their cry and saves them.” – Psalm 145:18-19 (NIV)

Calling on God in Truth

In Psalm 145:18-19, we are reminded of God’s nearness and attentiveness to those who call on Him with a sincere heart.

God desires for us to come before Him with complete honesty, laying bare our true desires, fears, and hopes. When we call on Him in truth, we experience His presence in a deeper and more transformative way.

There is a divine exchange when we approach God sincerely—He not only listens to our prayers but also fulfills the desires of those who fear Him and respond to His love with reverence.

The Importance of Truth in Our Hearts

Understanding that calling on God with truth requires more than just speaking the right words is vital. It involves examining our hearts and ensuring that our prayers align with His will.

Often, we may harbor conflicting desires—what we want versus what God wants for us.

When we allow God’s truth to penetrate our hearts, it gradually affects our cognition so that we begin to understand what God’s will is and what really matters in our lives.

When we allow God’s truth to penetrate our hearts, we begin to align our prayers with His purpose, and it becomes easier to trust Him to fulfill our deepest needs.

Many times, we might unknowingly hide selfish or misguided motives in our prayers. The most important thing is to pray with a pure heart and not with the hidden hints that we often use when communicating with people.

When we approach God with truth, we create space for His grace to flow into every area of our lives, guiding us toward His will and bringing us closer to Him.

Fulfilling Desires in Truth

When we call on God truthfully, He delights in fulfilling the desires that are in accordance with His will.

This does not mean every request will be answered in the way we imagine, but it does mean that God, in His wisdom, will provide what is best for us.

True fulfillment comes when we trust that God knows what is best and that His timing and ways are perfect. As we approach Him in truth and fear—honoring His holiness and submitting to His will—we can be assured that He hears our cries and brings salvation in His time.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for being near us when we call on You. Help us come before You with truth in our hearts and pure motives. Remove any hidden agenda within us that does not align with Your will. Teach us to trust that Your ways are better than ours and that You fulfill the desires of those who fear You. As we call on You in truth, may we experience the fullness of Your presence and the joy of answered prayers. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

To You

My brother, examine your heart as you pray today. Seek to align your prayers with His will, knowing that God is near to those who approach Him with honesty. Trust that He hears your cries and will fulfill the desires that are aligned with His perfect plan.

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