Daily devotional

Daily Devotional prayer for todayWe bring you a fantastic section on daily devotion. Devotional and prayer for today are presented for each day, and a Bible verse is selected in meditation, a reflection on God’s Word for our daily lives. Whether Monday or Sunday, biblical prayer accompanies us from the morning. So, throughout the week, prayer serves us by strengthening our faith, awakening hope, and giving courage.

Stop for a minute. Turn to our daily devotional and pray. God’s help and blessing are more important than anything in a simple workday. Daily morning prayer is the best way to do this.
Do you start the day with prayer? That’s right. Daily piety bears very positive fruit.

Keep calm and love God Lord is on your side Prayer

KEEP CALM AND LOVE GOD Lord is on Your Side February 27

Keep calm and love God, Lord is on your eide -  Prayer for February 27. Do not allow anything to hinder you from becoming what God wants you to become. Do all what takes...
God's love prayer rich in true Love

GOD’S LOVE PRAYER Be Rich in True Love. February 26

God's love prayer - Be rich in true love, for February 26. As Christians we should know that Jesus has died for us and He has taken all our poverty away. We should have...
being meek

BEING MEEK Prayer for February 25

Being meek - Prayer for February 25. To be meek means to be gentle. And to be gentle doesn’t mean one has low self-esteem or is afraid of people. Rather than staying humble and...
make peace

MAKE PEACE Prayer for February 24

Make peace - Prayer for February 24. The peacemakers according to the Bible are called the children of God. Since God has made us children and not servants, we are obliged to make peace...
helping other people

HELPING OTHER PEOPLE Prayer for February 23

Helping other people - Prayer for February 23. Esther was a strong woman in the Bible. She did what we can consider as heroic. Esther saved her people from destruction not minding if she...
God calls us

GOD CALLS US Prayer for February 22

God calls us - Prayer for February 22. What are you telling God any time he calls you, do you listen to Him? Many times God calls us and we don’t even listen because...
keep forgiving

KEEP FORGIVING Prayer for February 21

Keep forgiving - Prayer for February 21. Anyone who says you shouldn’t get angry doesn’t know what emotion is. It is not a sin to get angry, but you might end up sinning when...
do good to others

DO GOOD TO OTHERS Prayer for February 18

Do good to others - Prayer for February 18. Jesus told us in the Bible to go into the world and preach the Gospel. But that is not the only thing that we should...
having a pure heart

HAVING A PURE HEART Prayer for February 17

Having a pure heart - Prayer for February 17. The Bible talked about those that will see God. We all want to see God face to face and talk to Him like we talk...
going deeper in prayer


Going deeper in prayer - February 15. This is the time we must get the Holy Spirit into every part of our life. Whenever we are praying, we need to get the Holy Spirit...