DIE TO SELF DAILY Prayer for September 22

die to self daily

Die to Self Daily – Prayer for September 22. Praise the Lord everybody!

Have you ever had trouble with clothes not cooperating with you when you were wearing them? Probably not. But try to imagine that it did. Imagine if your clothes had a mind of their own. You try to get dressed for work, and when you put your shirt on, your trousers resist and try to take themselves off, or vice versa. You like your clothes neat and clean, but your clothes keep jumping off the hanger onto the floor. It would be funny, wouldn’t it?

Bible Verse for Today

We always carry around in our body the death of Jesus, so that the life of Jesus may also be revealed in our body. For we who are alive are always being given over to death for Jesus’ sake, so that his life may also be revealed in our mortal body. So then, death is at work in us, but life is at work in you. (2 Corinthians 4:7-12)

The Bible talks about being born again and dying to self in other places, but did you know that the reason we must “die” is because Jesus wants to enter our lives by putting us on like a flesh suit, a garment He can wear as He works in this world.

Great, you say! But for Him to be effective, we must die. The dead body has no needs, wants, or desires, so the power that gives us life has no barrier.

WE HAVE TO DIE! WE HAVE TO DIE SO THAT OTHERS MAY LIVE! Our flesh and desires have sometimes been a great hindrance; they refuse to stay dead. They’ve had more resurrections than Lazarus and Jesus, but we must come to the point where we are determined to stay dead no matter the cost. I’m fasting more, praying more, and studying more.

We must deny ourselves to stay dead. Feed the spirit, not the flesh. Dead people don’t argue about their so-called “rights”. They don’t kick against the “pricks” and their “flesh” is totally under subjection because it is not being fed. Remember, we need to die so God can use us so that others might live. God Bless You All!

Die to Self Daily Prayer for Today

Father God, we thank you that you want to use us in your marvelous plan of salvation. Help us, Lord, to die to self daily so that you can use us to the fullest. We give our hearts, minds, and souls to you to use as you see fit. In Jesus’ name, we pray, Amen.

Also read: Prayer for September 21

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