Jesus’ Teaching with Power. Devotional for Today January 7

Jesus teaching with power Devotional

Devotional for Today, January 7. Jesus’ teaching with Power.

If you go on social media or YouTube today, you will find many online experts, coaches, teachers, etc. Some are indeed experts. Others are just imposters who have achieved nothing in life themselves and teach others how to live. Any fool can declare himself a “success coach” or a “spiritual guru” today.

No one is surprised when someone starts teaching. Unless something touches us personally, shatters our beliefs, or tells us something shockingly new and unheard.

Devotional for Today January 7

Christian teaching is not surprising these days. Some fall asleep during the teaching because they have preconceived stereotypes that it is nothing new, everything familiar, and out of touch with life.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

So is it only the teaching of Christ that lacks power today? Could it be that we have little confidence in the power of the Holy Spirit?

“The people were all so amazed that they asked each other, “What is this? A new teaching—and with authority! He even gives orders to impure spirits and they obey him.” News about him spread quickly over the whole region of Galilee.” (Mark 1:27-28)

What surprised people in the days when Jesus taught? It is nothing surprising that Jesus went into the synagogue and taught there. Every Jew over twelve had the opportunity to speak in the synagogue to the congregation. The words that Jesus said in the synagogue, which are in the Gospel of Mark, are not exceptional.

Teaching with Power

So what is the point? The Gospel text is concise – His teaching was with authority. Teaching with power.

When Jesus spoke, the people felt these were not words from a vacuum. There is the power behind those words, they don’t disappear when he says them, and they become a reality. The authority of God stands behind Jesus’ words.

The authority of God stands behind Jesus’ words

It is no coincidence that the first miracle Jesus describes in Mark’s Gospel is the casting out of a demon. Jesus’ healing is a sign to people that with him and through him, the Kingdom of God is breaking into this world.

Evil fears God’s Power

When God’s action is directly and powerfully manifested, it provokes the forces of evil to come to an end. That is why, wherever Jesus appears, the demons and all the forces of evil in that area awaken and scream in fear and panic.

As long as people live in sin, thus serving evil, the demons are at peace because they are assured that nothing is threatening their status quo. But when the power of God enters that territory, it instantly sweeps away all the power of evil.

That’s why all the forces of evil get so scared and forget the conspiracy in their panic. That is why, at such moments, their presence is visible, as in this passage in Mark’s Gospel.

Do not fear the forces of evil

Therefore, dear pilgrim, be ready to experience this rule personally many times during your journey. Then, when you want to give way to God, to let him go ahead, to let him work, you will often find angry reactions.

But do not fear. God sweeps away all evil forces. You have to trust Him.

Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, thank you for your nearness. Thank you for not forsaking me or leaving me alone. Today I ask you to resist all the evil forces surrounding me. Help me defeat all Satan’s efforts that I have to face today. Strengthen my faith to be your warrior. Amen.

Also read: Devotional for January 6

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