Keeping God First – Daily Devotional for July 15

Keeping God First daily Devotional for July 15

Today, in our Daily Devotional for July 15, let’s reflect on the importance of keeping God first in our list of priorities.

Daily Devotional for July 15

“Anyone who loves their father or mother more than me is not worthy of me; anyone who loves their son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.” – Matthew 10:37 (NIV)

Keeping God First

When we do any marriage counseling, whether before or after a wedding, one of the exercises I almost always have the couple do is create a list of the relationships in their lives. It can be very revealing.

Often, couples present two lists: one ideal and one closer to reality. This exercise can open our eyes to the underlying issues in our relationships. If a spouse isn’t high on the list or may not even make it into the top four, it can indicate problems creeping into the relationship.

Shifting Priorities

Our priorities are constantly changing. A work project might take precedence one day, while a family vacation requires us to turn off work emails and phone calls. An emergency might disrupt a family dinner. However, some priorities should remain constant, regardless of circumstances.

God Above All

In Matthew 10:34-42, Jesus reminds us that our relationship with God should always be our number one priority. He restates the First Commandment: you shall have no other gods.

If we could keep this commandment perfectly, we would never sin because we would always put God and His will above our own.

The Challenge of Consistency

However, every time we sin, we break this commandment. In those moments, we place our desires above God’s will. Keeping God first in our lives requires daily dedication and mindfulness. It means consistently evaluating our actions and decisions to align with God’s priorities.

Practical Steps

We can start by setting aside dedicated time for prayer, Bible study, and worship to keep God first. We should also strive to make decisions that honor God, even when challenging. Seeking His guidance in every aspect of our lives helps us to maintain our focus on Him.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for reminding us of the importance of keeping You first in our lives. Help us prioritize our relationship with You above all else. Guide our actions and decisions so that they reflect Your will. Teach us to consistently put You at the center of everything we do. May our lives honor and glorify You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

Reflect on your current priorities. Is God at the top of your list? How can you ensure that your relationship with Him remains your number one priority?

My brother, remember to keep God first in all that you do. Let His presence guide your steps and decisions. Amen.

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