power and authority in the name of Jesus

Power and authority in the name of Jesus. Prayer for today June 22. The name of Jesus is not just a name. It is a spiritual weapon of authority, and it gives us the power to take charge of any situation around us. Let’s use the name of Jesus to take authority over everything.

Bible Verse for Today

Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. (Philippians 2:9-11)

It is a privilege for us to have access to this wonderful and powerful name. Anyone that gets hold of this name will surely be in a position of authority.

The name of Jesus commands respect. Once you have it as a weapon, every situation will have no choice but to bow to you.

How can you as a Christian have this great weapon and still cry over things? Why should the enemies be frustrating you every day? Why should you allow yourself to be beaten down every day when the weapon is there to make them go on their knees?

You need to look at yourself and know how you will get hold of the power in the name and use it effectively.

For you to use the name of Jesus to take control of things, you need to yield yourself to him, the weapon must be connected to you and your spirit. It’s not a physical weapon, it’s a spiritual one and therefore, you must get yourself connected to the name. Once that is done, just wait and see how enemies will bow at your feet.

All the unpleasant situations would be turned into joy and you yourself will command happiness into your life.

Power and Authority in the Name of Jesus Prayer for Today

Lord Jesus, I know there is power in your name and whoever uses the name shall have authority over all things. I have faith in your name. Today I pray that you make me have authority over all situations that may want to weigh me down today. Amen.

Also read: YOU ARE GOD’S TREASURE Prayer for June 21

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