Enjoy the Day God Has Given You – Daily Devotional for June 14

Enjoy the Day God Has Given You daily Devotional for June 14

Today, in our Daily Devotional for June 14, let’s reflect on how we can enjoy the day God has given us by making choices based on His Word rather than our emotions.

Daily Devotional for June 14

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” – Psalm 118:24 (NIV)

Enjoy the Day God Has Given You

Waiting to see how we feel before deciding if we can enjoy the day gives emotions control over our lives.

Emotions are a natural part of our human experience, but they should not dictate our actions or joy. Thankfully, we can make decisions that are not based on feelings. When we choose to make good decisions regardless of our emotions, God is faithful to help us follow through.

Deciding to Enjoy Each Day

Living the good life that God offers requires obedience to His ways. He provides the strength to follow His teachings, but we must choose to act on it. God won’t make the choice for us, but He will support us as we decide to obey His Word.

Consistently enjoying life becomes possible when we commit to making choices that align with God’s instructions.

For instance, you may feel like avoiding someone who has hurt you, but you can pray for them and treat them as Jesus would. Acting according to feelings might forfeit peace and joy, but following God’s guidance brings His reward and blessing into our lives.

Choosing Joy Over Feelings

To enjoy the day God has given you, focus on His promises rather than your immediate feelings. Emotions can fluctuate, but God’s Word remains constant. You can experience consistent joy and peace by trusting and obeying Him.

As Psalm 118:24 encourages, start each day with a decision to rejoice and be glad. Embrace the day as a gift from God, filled with opportunities to grow, love, and serve.

When you decide to follow God’s way, you create an environment where joy can flourish, regardless of external circumstances.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for the gift of this day. Help us to manage our emotions and make choices based on Your Word rather than our feelings. Teach us to rejoice and be glad each day You give us, trusting that Your ways lead to true joy and peace. Strengthen our resolve to follow Your instructions, and may we experience Your blessings as we choose to obey You. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

How you can manage your emotions and make decisions based on God’s Word. How can you choose to enjoy the day God has given you?

Today, remember that your joy comes from making choices that align with God’s will. Embrace each day as a gift, and trust in His guidance to lead you to peace and joy. Amen.

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