Face Fear with God – Daily Devotional for July 13

Face Fear with God daily Devotional for July 13

Fear is a pervasive and powerful force in human experience. Today, in our Daily Devotional for July 13, let’s explore how we can face fear with God, drawing strength and courage from His presence and promises.

Daily Devotional for July 13

“So do not be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows.” – Matthew 10:31 (NIV)

Face Fear with God

From the moment we are born, we learn to fear the world around us. We fear strangers, and sometimes even those closest to us.

Political leaders have long recognized the power of fear to ensure conformity to societal structures, even when it doesn’t serve our best interests. Fear drives vast segments of our economy and shapes our political priorities.

The Power of Fear

Jesus recognizes that fear can also hinder discipleship. His disciples courageously left the security of their homes and families to follow Him, but they, too, knew the power of fear.

Jesus prepares His disciples for their mission by being starkly realistic about the threats they will face while also building the case for why they should not let fear master them or hinder their witness.

The Reality of Discipleship

Jesus’ mission discourse in Matthew 10 is a “get-out-the-volunteers” campaign. On the one hand, the disciples are granted remarkable powers to heal, exorcise demons, cleanse lepers, and even raise the dead.

But He also denies them money, extra clothes, a staff for protection, and even sandals. They are to undertake their mission in complete vulnerability and dependence on God, knowing they go as “sheep in the midst of wolves.” They will face arrests, beatings, opposition from family members, and persecution.

Overcoming Fear

Jesus highlights the horrors that await the disciples not to frighten them but to free them from fear’s grip.

Naming the suffering to be endured and its causes is the first step in overcoming fear. Jesus reassures His disciples by affirming their integral relationship with Him and, through Him, with God.

“Do not fear” is the dominant message in Matthew 10:24-31. Jesus warns that whatever fate awaits Him also awaits His disciples. Yet, He tells them, “So have no fear of them” (Matthew 10:26).

Despite the suffering it may bring, the gospel must be proclaimed boldly because it is the most powerful tool against the world’s powers.

Trusting God’s Ultimate Power

The threat of death is a powerful form of fear. Jesus addresses this fear directly by reminding the disciples that humans can only kill the body, not the whole person.

God alone has the ultimate power over our whole being, and He exercises that power with mercy and love. God knows and cares for us deeply, valuing us more than many sparrows and knowing even the number of hairs on our heads.

Remaining Firm in Faith

Jesus encourages His disciples to remain firm in their commitment to Him, even when their mission generates inevitable conflicts, including within their families.

To “take up the cross” aligns the disciples’ mission and fate with Jesus, embracing the suffering and opposition that come with following Him. Those who “lose their life” for Jesus will “find it,” while those who “find their lives” in the world will lose them (Matthew 10:39).

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unwavering presence and love. Help us to face our fears with courage and faith, knowing that You are with us. Teach us to trust in Your ultimate power and to remain firm in our commitment to You, even in the face of opposition and suffering. May we boldly proclaim Your gospel and reflect Your mercy and compassion to the world. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

What are the fears you face in your life? How can you rely on God’s presence and promises to overcome them?

My brother, remember that God is with you, helping you to face your fears with courage and faith. Trust in His power and love. Amen.

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