First Sunday of Advent. Time to Live

first Sunday of Advent devotional

Today is the first Sunday of Advent. We hear Jesus’ call to us – watch. That doesn’t sound very safe. Does that mean it’s over? Maybe there is no point in trying, and resigning is the only way to the future?

No, no, and again no. Resignation is certainly not a Christian quality. Jesus, at the beginning of Advent, wants to tell us that it is time to wake up and start living the Life.

Bible Verse for Today

“Be careful, or your hearts will be weighed down with carousing, drunkenness, and the anxieties of life, and that day will close on you suddenly like a trap. For it will come on all those who live on the face of the whole earth. Be always on the watch, and pray that you may be able to escape all that is about to happen and that you may be able to stand before the Son of Man.” (Luke 21:34-36)

First Sunday of Advent Devotional

We all fail and fall into a black period of life. But every person who believes in God understands that it is only the darkness before the dawn—the darkness before the sunrise.

On this first Sunday of Advent, we must remember the old wisdom that every morning is a white sheet on which we write not in ink but in our works. Everyone, especially a Christian, must first write with hope on that white sheet.

Waiting for Jesus

Jesus Christ has already saved us. Now, we are just waiting for His appearance in Glory (Colossians 3:4). If we have faith, then it is an event that awaits us. We are not hiding, we are not afraid, but we are waiting for this appearance of Jesus. We are waiting for a meeting with Him.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Have you ever wondered what your face-to-face meeting with Jesus will be like? Most of the time, I dare not think about such things because I feel we are imperfect, sinful people.

But I want to say that it will be a pleasant and joyful meeting. Be sure of that. Therefore, you need to wait and not be afraid. And the waiting time cannot be empty or dull. We have a lot to do.

See the grace of God

If you believe and understand the things of faith, you know that the time given to us is a gift from God. The Christian is aware that even behind the routine of the same days lies the mystery of grace.

That time is for the Grace of God to work through it. Therefore, people who remain in faith and hope, who have true love, become sources that moisturize the parched earth. Through them, God works, blesses, and heals the people around them.

Every whit of love you have given to your neighbor does not go in vain. The grace of God always works through your love. Nothing happens in vain.

The dawn of morning is stronger than the darkness of night

Therefore, as we begin Advent today, let us remember that no night is stronger than the dawn of the morning. No life situation is a dead end. We must never forget that the greatest darkness is before the dawn.

To stand in that heavy darkness, we must stay with Jesus. Don’t forget this on the first Sunday of Advent. Be united with Him.

Hope is the signpost of Advent

And if all the people around you tell you that only darkness awaits you in the future, you will remain strong and not lose hope.

Why? Because it is not the darkness that awaits us in the future but an encounter with Jesus. No one knows when it will be. But it doesn’t matter the date. It is essential that at the end of our journey, a loving Savior, Jesus Christ, awaits us.

In the meantime, watch out. Love God and love people. Do good. Do not return evil for evil. Avoid sin. Cling to Jesus and do not fall away from Him.

Let us pray

Lord Jesus, we are beginning the Advent season. It is a beautiful time to reflect anew on what is most important in our lives and to understand that life is your gift to us. Bless us that in the flow of temporary and cheap goods around us, we may be able to recognize the true values that lead to life and the Kingdom of God. May the four weeks of Advent be a blessed time. We ask this with all our hearts. Amen.

Daily Devotional for You: PRAYER FOR TODAY

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