Overcoming obstacles with God—Prayer for December 27. Jesus never promised us that we would not be burdened.
In John 16:33, he said, “Here on earth, you will experience many hardships.” So often, we feel frustrated and broken when we face serious challenges. But Jesus says we should have the courage to overcome all difficulties and obstacles.
Bible Verse for Today
“I gave you authority over the enemy; you can walk around snakes and scorpions and crush them. Nothing and no one will be able to hurt you.” (Luke 10:19)
This verse tells us we do not have to be as stressed as the people around us. Because Jesus has taken away the power of the world to harm us, we can face life’s challenges calmly and confidently.
With God, we can navigate life’s deepest and darkest valleys and walk high on the mountain.
Luke 10:19 states, “I have given you authority over the enemy … Nothing, and no one will be able to harm you.” Here, Jesus tells us that he has given us everything to uphold the world and overcome how He did it.
We are confronted with challenging situations. But Jesus assures us that nothing can harm us if we handle them properly—just like Him!
So, not letting your difficulties and obstacles tear you away from your faith is essential.
Devotional for every day: Daily Devotional
Use the authority you have in Christ to overcome obstacles!
Overcoming Obstacles with God – Prayer for Today
Lord, I pray for strength to overcome all obstacles in my life. God, I accept the power and authority you have given me. Show me how I can live in your authority and master the trials and challenges of this world as Jesus did. I pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.
Also read: Prayer for December 26