The Power of Intercession – Daily Devotional for June 12

The Power of Intercession daily Devotional for June 12

To intercede means to stand in the gap for someone else. Today, in our Daily Devotional for June 12, let’s explore the power of intercession and how praying for others can bring about God’s blessings in their lives and ours.

Daily Devotional for June 12

“Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ.” – Galatians 6:2 (NIV)

The Power of Intercession

Interceding for others is a profound act of love and faith. When we see a breach in someone’s relationship with God or notice a need in their life, we have the privilege of placing ourselves in that breach and praying for them.

Intercession means standing in the gap, lifting others to God, and believing for their comfort, encouragement, and timely breakthroughs.

Sowing Seeds Through Prayer

Praying for others is akin to sowing seeds. Just as Galatians 6:7 reminds us that we reap what we sow, interceding for others is a sure way to ensure a harvest in our own lives.

Each time we pray for someone else, we are not only helping them but also laying the groundwork for our blessings. By sowing seeds of prayer into the lives of others, we align ourselves with God’s heart and His purposes.

Helping Others Succeed

If you desire success in your ministry, business, or personal life, start by praying for the success of others in those same areas. When you lift up someone else’s ministry, you pave the way for your own ministry to flourish. When you intercede for someone else’s business, you invite God’s blessings upon your own endeavors.

Even when struggling with a personal habit or challenge, praying for someone facing similar difficulties can bring mutual breakthroughs.

The Blessing of Intercession

Interceding for others brings joy and fulfillment, knowing we are participating in God’s work in their lives. It transforms our perspective, making us more compassionate and connected to those around us. The power of intercession lies not only in the answered prayers but also in the spiritual growth and deepened faith that come from lifting others before God.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for the privilege of intercession. Teach us to stand in the gap for others, lifting their needs and burdens to You. Help us to sow seeds of prayer generously, believing that as we pray for others, we also receive Your blessings. Strengthen our faith and compassion as we intercede, and may Your power be evident in the lives of those we pray for. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

Reflect on how you can incorporate intercession into your daily prayer life. Who in your life could use your prayers today?

Today, remember the power of intercession. Stand in the gap for others, sow seeds of prayer, and trust God to bring about His perfect will in their lives and yours. Amen.

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