REJOICE IN THE LORD Prayer for December 26

rejoice in the Lord

Rejoice in the LordPrayer for December 26. To those who are distracted and unheard, Paul says twice, “Rejoice!” To those who have not yet heard, “Rejoice in the Lord! Rejoice!” In fact, joy is God’s command and His will. God’s will is that you rejoice!

Bible Verse for Today

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, temperance.” (Galatians 5:22)

The joy of the Holy Spirit came into in a manger.

Shepherds were watching over the newborn Christ, and the angel of the Lord came to them and said, “Fear not; I declare to you a great joy, which shall be to all people.” Then, a miraculous phenomenon happened. Heaven praises God: “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, goodwill toward men.”

Jesus was born, and the angels revealed to the shepherds and, through them, to other people that great joy had happened! The gospel says it is “Good news of great joy.”

So this joy is the fruit of the Spirit.

The first joy in us is God-imposed and the second joy is the way we behave. The fruit of the Spirit is a constant joy that dwells in you if you have accepted Christ as your Savior. And the Holy Spirit is in you. It is divine inner joy, no matter what you are currently thinking and feeling.

What is it? This joy is in you, regardless of your feelings and various decisions.

You are doing good or bad, and its task is never to let you grieve so much that you completely lose your joy. This joy will not allow you to start falling into depression, no matter how bad you feel or what problems you have. It is really normal to be sad.

Sometimes, we encounter various difficulties, problems, or circumstances, and then the Holy Spirit comes to the rescue and does not allow us to become drowned. With God, you will always be able to gather and rejoice. Without the Spirit of God, people will break into a given situation.

You enter your prayer room with your decision, you pray and praise God, and suddenly God will touch you. During the service, you listen to the Word of God, hear something, and joy overwhelms you. Have you experienced this? This joy is already in you, and it will never end!

Devotional for every day: Daily Devotional

The Gospel is not a message of mourning! Christ’s death and resurrection is not sad event.

The Gospel is a message of joy! Alleluia! Because the message of joy brings peace to the earth, and people have a joyful mind. We have a message of joy, not a message of mourning, and we must live and think as God do!

Prayer for Today – Rejoice in the Lord

I ask you, Holy Spirit, to make us happy today! Bless us, guide, and teach us! We thank you for your presence, for your Glory. Be among us and through us throughout the country and beyond. We pray in the name of Jesus, amen.


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