Salvation History Begins – Devotion for Today January 3

Salvation History Begins Devotion

Hey, my brothers and sisters in Christ, how are you doing today? Is today a wonderful day for you? I hope so. And to add more, the daily devotional also presents us with an incredible story from the Gospel of Mark. This is the story of the beginning. God makes a beginning, a good start – Salvation history begins.

On the first day of the New year, we also made a start, embarking on a year-long journey through a life we ​​would like to call a pilgrimage. Was that a good start?

Devotional for Today January 3

The beginning of the good news about Jesus the Messiah, the Son of God, as it is written in Isaiah the prophet:
“I will send my messenger ahead of you,
who will prepare your way”
“a voice of one calling in the wilderness,
‘Prepare the way for the Lord,
make straight paths for him.'” (Mark 1:1-3)

Our lives depend on many circumstances. Therefore, good wishes and efforts do not always bring the desired result.

But it is different with God. The result of God’s work does not depend on the calendar date or the criticism of men.

Devotion for every day: Prayer for Today

And so the story described in the Gospel of Mark depends solely on Jesus Christ. Therefore, this story is called the story of Salvation. (Mark 1:1-8)

Salvation History Begins

The story of Jesus is not a surprise. It has long been announced and made public through the prophets, through the Word of God. The waiting time was very long, but now it has become a reality. God is beginning to fulfill His promises. And He does so in a peculiar way and only at a time acceptable to God.

The beginning of the realization of God’s promises was John the Baptist, the exclusive man of God. He came to proclaim repentance and forgiveness.

Repentance means understanding, contemplation, and change. Asking for forgiveness means accepting God’s love, humbling against it, and leaving past sins. And to confirm both of these elements with a visible sign – baptism.

This is how the story of Salvation begins. And no one is frightened, fleeing, and hiding. Instead, crowds of people come and stay, accepting the message of God proclaimed by John the Baptist.

God Gives Salvation as a Gift

This is where God’s position becomes clear. It brings Salvation to the people. God gives Salvation as a gift. One needs only to come and accept this gift from God. We can receive it, as John proclaimed, through repentance and forgiveness.

This is essential information for each of us starting a new beginning.

This gift of God is just as available as it was 2,000 years ago, in the times of Jesus.

Therefore, once again, my brothers and sisters, the question is, “Is this a good start that you started on the first day of January?” Naturally, the outcome depends on you.

If you make a new beginning in the journey of life by accepting the gift of God’s Salvation and opening your heart to repentance and forgiveness, then the start will be perfect. God will bless you and give you success in your work.

Prayer for Today

Almighty God, thank you for the opportunity to know your love and receive your gift, eternal Salvation. Bless me at the start of the New year; I will never forget that your love does not change and always remains. It is here for me. I remember that your story continues and is for all the world’s people. With your help, I could tell the Good News to those who don’t know about it. Amen.

Also read: Devotional for January 2

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