Teaching Faith – Daily Devotional for July 20

Teaching Faith daily Devotional for July 20

Jesus avoided the Jewish leaders who opposed Him. He did not come to fight and argue with the religious leaders of the day. Instead, He came to teach the truths about His Father’s kingdom to those who would hear Him. Today, in our Daily Devotional for July 20, let’s explore the importance of teaching faith with humility and consistency.

Daily Devotional for July 20

“Here is my servant whom I have chosen, the one I love, in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him, and he will proclaim justice to the nations.” – Matthew 12:18 (NIV)

Teaching Faith

In Matthew 12:14-21, Matthew reminds us that long before Jesus came, God told the people of Israel what kind of Messiah He would be.

Jesus came and fulfilled the ministry that God had promised.

It is clear that Jesus did not come into this world to fight people. He did not come as the people of Israel expected the Messiah to come—as a conquering warrior with shining armor and a drawn sword.

A Humble Approach

Instead, Jesus humbly and consistently taught the truths of the kingdom and finally died on the cross as a suffering Savior.

His mission was not to make the nation into an aggressive conquering army capable of taking nations by force. Although He easily could have, He chose a different path.

Because of His quiet, consistent walk of obedience in the path His Father called Him to, He has brought eternal victory to us all.

Our Role in Teaching Faith

Likewise, in today’s situation, we should not reproach people for not living by faith or for believing wrongly.

Many people would live according to God’s will, but they do not know it and are lost. Our role is to show them the way and teach them what faith is and how to live it.

Just as Jesus did, we should approach others with humility and patience, sharing the truths of God’s kingdom with love and compassion.

Walking in Jesus’ Footsteps

By following Jesus’ example, we can lead others to the truth without confrontation or judgment.

We are called to walk in the same path of humble obedience, teaching faith through our words and actions. This consistent and gentle approach can have a profound impact on those around us, drawing them closer to God.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, thank You for Jesus’ example of faith, which He taught with humility and consistency. Help us to follow His example in our daily lives. Teach us to share Your truths with love and compassion, guiding others to live according to Your will. May our words and actions reflect Your grace and lead others to a deeper understanding of faith. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

To You

Reflect on how you can teach faith to those around you. Are there opportunities in your daily life to share the truths of God’s kingdom with humility and love?

My brother, remember to approach others with the same gentle and consistent spirit that Jesus demonstrated. Let your life be a testimony of faith that guides others to God’s truth. Amen.

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