Hey, my brother, tell me about your life’s journey in the new year. (Please tell me about your experience in the Facebook comments Here) We started with the biblical idea that we are pilgrims on our way to the Kingdom of God. I hope you haven’t forgotten that. No? Wonderful. In the devotional for today, January 6, Three Kings Day, we meet three other pilgrims on the road.
Devotional for Today, January 6
The second chapter of Matthew’s Gospel gives us information about them.
And behold, the star that they had seen when it rose went before them until it came to rest over the place where the child was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced exceedingly with great joy. And going into the house, they saw the child with Mary his mother, and they fell down and worshiped him. Then, opening their treasures, they offered him gifts, gold and frankincense and myrrh. (full text at Matthew 2:1-12)
Yes, these are the three kings. They are three wise men from a far Eastern country. Three kings are on their way to welcome the newborn King of the World, the Messiah.
They are guided by a star in the sky, by the desire of their hearts to discover the Living God and the Holy Spirit, whom they do not know yet.
Devotionals for every day: Prayer for Today
Once discovered, they enter the house and fall on their knees before Jesus. Then, with rejoicing hearts, they present gifts for Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh.
More than Words
The Gospel says, “They kneel before Jesus.” This is a sign. A sign of recognition: you are more significant and powerful than me.
But not only that. The three most outstanding scholars, thinkers, and kings of that time kneel before the baby because they confess – you are the God.
The gifts they bring are not accidental either. Gold is the sign of a king. Frankincense is the worship of God that rises from earth to heaven. Myrrh is the sign of the Messiah. It will be used to anoint the body of Jesus, who died for humanity.
Man needs visual signs to express his inner position. For example, when we love, words are not enough. A loving person says “I love you” more powerfully through actions and touches than words.
In the same way, when we communicate with God, we raise our hands or fold them on our chest, stand up, or kneel in prayer. In this, we say, not just with words but also with visual signs: “Lord, I love you and believe in you.”
You Are the King!
My dear brother and beloved sister in Christ. Do you know that you are one of the three kings? Do you understand that?
Anyone who confesses to the Lord Jesus as the Messiah sent by God is the wise man and king from the East.
We kneel before the Lord and worship Him. Also, we give our gifts to Jesus, acknowledging Him as God, King of the world, and Messiah. And we praise Him with our singing in the assembly of the Church.
Do you realize what the most significant discovery you made in 2024 was? You have realized that you are a king. Do you hear? You are the King! And you are the anointed one. The Lord has called you to go and bring His Kingdom to the earth and all humanity.
Related Devotional: Guided by Light
And that is the best news for you today, January 6, Three Kings Day.
Prayer for Today
God, our Heavenly Father, the three kings saw the star and responded to your call. They sought and found your Son, our Lord Jesus. They came to know Him as a sign to the people of this world. A sign of life in love. He is a sign of sacrifice. He is the sign of God’s existence.
We pray to you to strengthen our faith, to kindle in us the fire of your love. Please give us the strength to witness you in the world. Help us always remember with gratitude the love and respect you show us. Please help us to live honorably so that we may glorify you by the works of our lives.
We ask this of you, Heavenly Father, through Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit forever. Amen.