It is possible to silence the speaking man, but it is impossible to silence the Gospel, the speaking message of God. The Gospel must speak to the world, to all creation, so that the world does not destroy itself. And it must speak to man so that man can be a man. So you can trust the Lord! This is what the devotional for today, January 5, is about.
Devotional for Today January 5
After John was put in prison, Jesus went into Galilee, proclaiming the good news of God. “The time has come,” he said. “The Kingdom of God has come near. Repent and believe the good news!”
As Jesus walked beside the Sea of Galilee, he saw Simon and his brother Andrew casting a net into the lake, for they were fishermen. “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.” At once they left their nets and followed him. (Mark 1:14-18)
You Can Be Free from Evil
Through the Gospel, God Himself reaches us and comes to us. He wants to create the beginning of the Kingdom of love and mercy in our tiny world. We live in God’s time. The time of waiting is over. Salvation and God’s closeness are more relevant than ever in history here.
Devotional daily here: Daily Devotional
The reign of evil is over. And anyone who wishes can break free from it. That is why it is vital to proclaim this message of God, the Gospel, so that people may know of this possibility. But unfortunately, many people do not know this and are convinced that it is impossible to be free from evil and that it holds the world in its grip.
Many people in the world believe that God is incapable of overcoming evil. Therefore, they think that the destiny of humanity is to be a slave to evil. But this is the greatest mistake and the greatest deception leading to destruction.
That is why there is so much evil in the 21st century.
You Can Overcome Your Fear
Jesus makes it clear that we can be overwhelmed by fear, by the unknown, but we must not give in to it. We need to go beyond fear. And accept Jesus’ words: I have overcome the world. (John 16.33)
“Repent and believe the Good News!” – Jesus calls us. Conversion and new life are, therefore, both possible and even necessary.
As we walk the path of life as a person of faith, we must understand that faith and obedience are inseparable. Jesus says, trust and follow me. Leave the boat and the nets and follow me. There are far more precious and beautiful things waiting for you.
You Can Trust the Lord
And we find it difficult to accept Jesus’ invitation because there is a lot of doubt and fear of stepping out of our comfort zone. This is where obedience helps us. Believe me, your Creator and Lord know what is essential and good for your life. Therefore, all you have to do is obey his call with trust.
The familiar nets, the boat, and the shore are your comfort zone. But the Lord is calling you to grow, not to stay at the level you are at now.
You Can Be a Joyful
Therefore, as you begin the new year like a pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, be ready to accept new challenges and opportunities. Follow the Lord with courage, even if you are afraid. You will gradually learn not only to obey but also to trust him from the heart.
Then the way will be easy and joyful. You will be able to leave evil and sin behind you as ballast. And you will go forward free and blessed to the gates of the Kingdom of God. Trust the Lord!
May the Lord bless you today!
Prayer for Today
Lord Jesus, it is a great joy to know that you personally want to walk with me in the paths of my life. You want to be my companion, my teacher, my guide. That is fantastic news. Thank you very much indeed for this kindness. Therefore, please, today, on this fifth day of January, teach me to trust in you and obey your guidance. And do not let doubts hinder me from exercising your grace. Amen.
Also read: Devotional for January 4