It’s fantastic that we can recall critical moments of our Salvation history throughout the year. For example, today, we remember the Baptism of the Lord Jesus in the Jordan River. And the daily devotional gives us the story from the Gospel of Luke.
Baptism of the Lord Jesus
Now when all the people were baptized, and when Jesus also had been baptized and was praying, the heavens were opened, and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form, like a dove; and a voice came from heaven, “You are my beloved Son; with you I am well pleased.” (Luke 3:21-22)
Why is it important to remember this story from the Bible year after year? Because it tells us who Jesus is.
Jesus is the Messiah
The Son of God took on a true human nature, and He showed Himself and lived as a man among men, equal to us in everything except sin.
But then comes that memorable event – John the Baptist baptizes Jesus in the Jordan River!
Suddenly, the heavens open over Jesus, and the Holy Spirit descends upon Him. The voice of the Heavenly Father testifies that He is His beloved Son. People must listen to Him.
Devotional for every day: Daily Devotional
Yes, here is the invasion of the divine into the earthly. The ordinary course of history takes a turn that no one expected. And God finally reveals his anointed: Christ, the Messiah!
Humanity has been waiting for this divine solution for thousands of years, since the time of Adam and Eve.
With Jesus Salvation Begins
God wanted to be on the same level as us sinful people. This is how Jesus came to join the group of people who wanted to receive John’s baptism of repentance.
He is without sin, but He does not shy away from taking the world’s guilt upon Himself and paying for it. This is how Jesus became the Lamb of God.
After the baptism in Jordan, Jesus begins his public appearance. First, he announces the coming of the Kingdom of God. Then, he calls people to conversion and faith.
God creates something new: new wine in new wineskins; divine life breaks its way, and all are invited to enter into communion with the Savior, our Lord Jesus Christ, through faith and baptism.
You Accepted Salvation
Today is a good time for everyone to remember their baptism and the meaning of baptismal promises.
You received baptism. The message is unmistakable: Turn away from evil and turn to God.
Wherever this happens, there is a transition from darkness to light, from death to life, from hatred to love, and from lies to truth. Christ has set us free to eternal life! This joy is already now our share.
In the salvation event, God shows us that he is a God of love and wants the Salvation of all people.
Through baptism, we are taken into the life of God. We share in his love.
Prayer for Today
Almighty God, I worship You. The baptism of the Lord Jesus clearly shows me that You are the flaming fire of love. Through Jesus Christ, you have shown me your great love. You want Your love to burn in my heart. Heavenly Father, I am proud to be Your child and a family member. Please help me to renounce evil. Please help me remain faithful to You always. And help me to live a holy and honorable life. I ask all this in Jesus’ name. Amen.