Home Prayers Petition


Petition prayer is one of the most common prayer forms in our lives. This is the kind of prayer that recognizes both our poverty and God’s great power and Grace. We make different  petitions to God asking for faith, help, healing, protection and many other things.

Here you will find answers to questions what petition prayer is and some great examples of petition prayers on different topics.

Prayer for direction

PRAYER FOR GUIDANCE, Direction, Clarity, and Wisdom

So often in our life, we are lost or at least not sure how to behave. Sometimes it is so trying to decide and choose the right way. You feel that you can’t rely...
pray in the face of danger

PRAY IN THE FACE OF DANGER, for example, virus pandemic

PRAY IN THE FACE OF DANGER, for example, virus pandemic etc. At the closing of the year 2019, everyone was happy that the New Year is coming, we started praying that it is a...