Special prayers

Sometimes we have a need for special prayers. Here you will find daily prayer examples, special prayers for family, also praise and worship songs.

simple prayer of salvation

Simple Prayer of Salvation

The simple prayer of salvation is a pivotal moment in the life of a Christian. It is a profound yet simple act of faith,...
simple prayer before a meal

Simple Prayer Before a Meal

Prayer before a meal is a precious ritual, a moment to pause, to remember that we are alive, have something to be happy about,...
what is the best prayer to God

What is the Best Prayer to God?

Many often ask, "What is the best prayer to God?" The beauty of prayer lies in its diversity and personal nature, making the concept...
what is in a prayer

What is in a Prayer?

Prayer, often seen as the spiritual circle of salvation for believers, is formed through a regular practice that combines unique human experience, emotions, and...
What is a Simple Prayer to Say short Prayers

What is a Simple Prayer to Say? 15 Short Prayers for Everyday

In the stress and rush of everyday life, finding time for long prayer is sometimes tricky. Yet, the power of prayer doesn't diminish with...
Happy Sunday Blessings images for Every Area of Life

Happy Sunday Blessings – Images for Every Area of Life

Sunday blessings and pictures are a great way to tell your loved ones they are a blessing to you.Gratitude and Appreciation BlessingHeavenly Father, on...
Unanswered prayers

Unanswered Prayers – Silence is not the same as No

We have all experienced this on our faith journey - when we pour out our hearts in prayer, asking for guidance, healing, or a...
Does God hear our prayers does God Really Listen

Does God hear our prayers? Does God Really Listen?

Let's admit that sometimes, after the deepest prayers, a doubt whispers somewhere: "Is anyone really listening?" Does God hear our prayers? Does God really...
Why do we pray benefits of prayer

Why Do We Pray? Uncover the Life-Changing Benefits of Prayer

Why do we pray? Even for people of deep faith, this question can sometimes raise doubts. We are used to a world based on...
purpose of prayer

What is the Purpose of Prayer?

At its heart, prayer offers a means to reach God. But what exactly is the purpose of prayer?What is the Purpose of PrayerThe purpose...