Special prayers

Sometimes we have a need for special prayers. Here you will find daily prayer examples, special prayers for family, also praise and worship songs.

how to start praying to god

How to Pray to God? How to Start Praying Step-by-Step Guide

Prayer is an intimate act, a personal conversation between you and the Creator. While many believers understand the importance of prayer, structuring it can...
Prayers for family members problems and strength

Special Prayers for Family Members’ problems and strength

Prayers for family members are prayers for keeping a family together and safe. It is a prayer to ask God for help to solve...
Short family prayer Morning Evening Food Blessing

Short family prayer: Morning, Evening, Food Blessing

Short family prayer. You may have seen the hall hanging, saying, "A family that prays together stays together." Even though this is not a...
The Power of Daily Prayer How to Make it a Habit

The Power of Daily Prayer: How to Make it a Habit

The Power of Daily Prayer - How to Make it a Habit. Prayer is one of the most powerful tools that we have as...
Can you eat meat on Ash Wednesday

Can You Eat Meat on Ash Wednesday? – No!

Ash Wednesday is the first day of Lent in the Christian calendar, a period of fasting and reflection leading up to Easter. Many people...
Prayer for my daughter to give her Strength, Protection, and Healing

Prayer for my daughter to give her Strength, Protection, and Healing

Young people often yearn for independence from their parents but do not yet have life experience. That is why prayer for daughter is so...
Prayer for peace in the family love harmony unity

Prayer for peace in the family – Christian Source of Love, Harmony

Prayer for peace in the family is a Christian source of love, harmony, and unity. These days people are finding it hard to operate...
Prayer for My Children helps them to cope with difficult situations

Prayer for my children – helps them to cope with difficult situations

Children are the ultimate expression of love between two people. They are the most precious gift we have. That is why praying for our...
Tuesday Morning Prayer images at the Workplace Meeting Night

Tuesday Prayer with Images for Morning, Work, Meeting, Night

Start with the Tuesday morning prayer and the blessing will stay with you until the evening.Tuesday Morning PrayerHeavenly Father, I come to you this...
New Year Blessings Prayer

New Year Prayer – God Bless You and Your Family

As we stand on the threshold of a new year, with our hearts full of hopes and aspirations, it is a moment full of...