GOD GUIDE ME PLEASE Prayer for February 15

God guide me please

Prayer for February 15. God guide me, please. Everyone on this planet will have to make decisions on a daily basis. We make decisions either quickly without thinking or after consulting people and thinking deeply. Decisions we make now affects tomorrow so let’s tell God to help us make a wise decision. God guide me, please!

Bible Verse for Today

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding.” (Proverbs 3:5)

The scriptures advised us to lean on God whenever we want to make decisions.

Sometimes, people, we trust for good advice on making decisions make mistakes, or give imperfect advice. The decisions we make now will determine tomorrow so we must be very careful with decision making. It is a wonderful tool God has given us and to use it perfectly, we must let God help.

In this life, there are two major options we must take, others are categorized under these two. They are life and death. Whatever decision we make now, it either leads to life or death.

These option has been set for everyone one to choose and God advised we choose life. Deuteronomy 30:19 says: “This day I call heavens to bear witness against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curse. Now choose life, so that you and your children may live.”  Before making any decision today, know what God is saying about it first, check the Bible, and see an example of those who made the same decision.

God Guide Me Prayer for Today

Thank you, Lord, for helping to make a choice to follow you. Thank you because it is a good choice. Lord, today I lean on you, I trust in you alone and follow you to make a decision and not leaning on my own intelligence.

If I have made some wrong decisions in the past that I am facing the consequences now, help me to correct my mistakes now, and if the consequences are not showing forth yet, help me to correct them now before it’s too late.

I depend on you for making a good decision today, direct my path so that I won’t miss the way. Thank you because you have answered. Amen.

Also read: You are Valuable – Jesus in you. Prayer for February 14

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