Servant of Righteousness – Daily Devotional for January 15

Today, in our Daily Devotional, let us meditate on Romans 6:18, which challenges us to discern our true allegiance: are you a servant of...

Prayer is Our First Defense – Daily Devotional for January 14

When faced with discouragement or disappointment, prayer is our first defense, greatest weapon, and source of strength. Today’s devotional focuses on prayer's transformative power...

The Journey of Giving Your Life to God – Devotional for...

The journey of giving your life to God. Today, let's explore what it truly means to give our lives to God. This surrender is...

What Does it Mean to Be Provision of God? Devotional January...

Today, let us explore the distinction between our wants and needs and the assurance that God will provide for all our needs by His...

Principles of Divine Provision – Daily Devotional for January 10

In a world where the pursuit of wealth and happiness often excludes God, understanding and applying the principles of divine provision is vital. Today,...

Reflecting Christ Amidst Challenges – Devotional for January 9

In a world often at odds with the values of Christ, being His reflection is both a profound privilege and a formidable challenge. Today,...

Jesus is the gift of faith. Devotional for Today January 8

Today is the wonderful 8th day of January. It is the best time to spend a few minutes with the Lord in personal prayer....

Jesus’ Teaching with Power. Devotional for Today January 7

Devotional for Today, January 7. Jesus' teaching with Power.If you go on social media or YouTube today, you will find many online experts, coaches,...

Three Kings Day Devotional for Today January 6

Hey, my brother, tell me about your life's journey in the new year. (Please tell me about your experience in the Facebook comments Here)...

You Can Trust the Lord. Devotional for Today January 5

It is possible to silence the speaking man, but it is impossible to silence the Gospel, the speaking message of God. The Gospel must...

I Want to Walk with Jesus. Devotional for Today January 4

On this beautiful morning, I want to tell you: I want to walk with Jesus. How about you?Devotional for Today January 4Twice in the...

LIGHT OF THE WORLD Prayer for January 3

Light of the World—Prayer for January 3. We are joint heirs with Christ; he is the light of the world. Therefore, as Christians, we...

Blessed who walk in the light of God Devotional for January...

Today, January 2, is beautiful, and we are starting the second day of the New year. The devotional for today gives us an excellent...

WE ARE PILGRIMS Devotion for Today January 1

Hey, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! It is a great pleasure to meet you for daily prayer on the first day of January....

THANK YOU GOD FOR THE YEAR Prayer for December 31

Thank you, God, for the year—Prayer for December 31. It’s been a great year, and 365 days have already passed. So many things have...

GOD CARES ABOUT YOU Prayer for December 30

God cares about you - Prayer for December 30. God takes part in your life. Do not get confused. Do not be fooled into...

POWER OF SPOKEN WORDS Prayer for December 29

Power of spoken words - Prayer for December 29. Words have tremendous power. We can do huge things, not only positively, through words. Our...

LIVING LIKE JESUS CHRIST Prayer for December 28

Living like Jesus Christ—Prayer for December 28. Some of the people we deal with regularly are anxious that we do everything in their way....


Overcoming obstacles with God—Prayer for December 27. Jesus never promised us that we would not be burdened.In John 16:33, he said, "Here on earth,...

REJOICE IN THE LORD Prayer for December 26

Rejoice in the Lord - Prayer for December 26. To those who are distracted and unheard, Paul says twice, "Rejoice!" To those who have...