moving forward in god scriptures

Moving forward in God scriptures – Prayer for June 11. Stagnancy is the opposite of moving forward in God. As Christian we must not be stagnant in life, we need to make progress.

Bible Verse for Today

“The righteous keep moving forward, and those with clean hands become stronger and stronger.” (Job 17:9)

Stagnancy is commonly used to describe a body of water that is not flowing, it is devoid of current, and this can result in an irritating smell. Stagnancy can also be used to describe a slow situation where there is no evidence of activity.

We can relate these to human life too. A person’s life can become stagnant and stagnancy in one’s life and results in poverty, lack of productivity, fruitlessness, failure, sorrow, and disappointment. Sometimes also, stagnancy can make someone to lost ambitions, lose all ideas, and become hopeless.

Sin in your life can be the reason you are stagnant.

Stay closer to God and let him be the driver of your life. Let him push you forward. God has the power to destroy stagnancy if you will listen and obey him.

Dwelling in the past can make you be stagnant, if you refuse to forego all your past, it will hinder you from moving forward.

Philippians 3:13 “Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead. ”

As you are going out today, let God drive you and if he is the one driving you, you will start receiving new ideas that will move your life forward, and then all hopelessness, fruitlessness, and failures would be gone.

Moving Forward in God Scriptures Prayer for Today

Dear Lord, I thank you for a new day like this, I thank you for the gift of life, and also for the true love you are showing and nothing can stop you from loving me.

Lord, help me to forgive those that will trespass against me today. Teach me to stand strong in you and let my ways be aligned with yours and let me not deviate from it. Guide me through temptation, do not let me fall into temptation.

I don’t want to be stagnant Lord, order my steps and help me to move forward and never be stopped. Moving forward in God scriptures say that only the righteous keep moving forward.  Lord, break any barrier that is hindering my advancement and let me experience a great advancement. Lord, I want to move forward in you. Amen.

Also read: LORD WE NEED YOUR HELP Prayer for June 10

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