NEVER GIVE UP HOPE Prayer for December 12

never give up hope

Never give up hope – Prayer for December 12. We all go through tough times in life, and just like a ship in a storm, we need help not to capsize. A ship has an anchor that gives it a hold.

Bible Verse for Today

“We have this as a sure and steadfast anchor of the soul, a hope that enters into the inner place behind the curtain.” (Hebrews 6:19)

The Bible says that the anchor of our soul is hope. If we firmly hope for God and His Word, we may feel the wind and the waves, but we remain unshakable. In a storm, we have the hope to see the circumstances and still trust that things will get better again.

Devotional for every day here: Daily Devotional

Therefore, hope is a powerful and essential feature in our lives – especially in hard times. It is the foundation upon which we should build our faith. Always believe that Lord will bless you.

Nobody – not even God – can promise us that we will not experience disappointments or problems. But the most important thing is never to give up hope. Instead, be confident in what you do. Work hard, pray constantly, and never give up hope; you will see the result soon. If we maintain a positive attitude and the hope we have in Christ, we will see how God’s power works miracles.

Never Give up Hope Prayer for Today

God, we put our hope in you. Our expectations that you will do great things in our lives are our anchor in difficult times. Lord, never let us give up hope that difficult times and situations will end one day. Father God, strengthen us. We can do all things through Jesus. We pray in the name of Jesus. Amen.

Also read: Prayer for December 11

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