Wisdom comes from God – Prayer for November 25. Wisdom can be defined as knowledge, understanding, and perception. It is essential because a person who finds wisdom and understanding becomes truly happy.
Bible Verse for Today
“Blessed are those who find wisdom, those who gain understanding” (Proverbs 3:13)
The Greek Word’ sophia’, is able to judge accurately and follow the best process based on knowledge and understanding. The Hebrew word ‘chokmah’, means having the knowledge and ability to make the right choice or decision at a given time. When a person makes the right choice consistently, it demonstrates spiritual maturity. Therefore, a person who pursues wisdom will also receive understanding (Proverbs 2:6).
Wisdom is not simply a collection of factual information; it is where a person knows how to conduct themselves in their daily affairs. It is also during challenges and difficult situations that a person makes the right choice, as well as doing the right thing.
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However, spiritual wisdom requires a person to have a deep and meaningful relationship with God. It is then through this relationship that wisdom grows through having an appreciation and awareness of who God is.
Many people may seek to gain wisdom through natural means, such as using information from various sources, such as an encyclopedia or Wikipedia. However, while knowledge is revealed, they cannot gain wisdom because God is not in the equation. Therefore, wisdom can only be achieved through a pure relationship with the Almighty God.
True wisdom is to follow God’s will!
Spiritual wisdom is Godly wisdom, as in the case of King Solomon, the King of Israel, who was chosen as David’s successor to build the temple. God had appeared to Solomon and asked, “What do you want? Ask, and I will give it to you!”. Solomon responded, “Give me the wisdom and knowledge to lead them properly, for who could govern this great people of yours.” (2 Chronicles 1:7,10).
Solomon used his wisdom and knowledge to build the temple and lead the nation. Albeit, because he did not ask for wealth, fame, long life, riches, or death of his enemies, God not only gave Solomon wisdom and knowledge, but he was also granted wealth, means, and fame more than any other king had ever before or will ever have in the future (2 Chronicles 1: 11-12).
Wisdom Comes from God Prayer for Today
Dear Father, the world around me appreciates technological and scientific advancements more than wisdom, but Your word reminds us that wisdom is far more critical. Godly wisdom comes only from you, so I pray the prayer of Solomon and ask that You will give me wisdom and knowledge to lead every area of my life in line with Your will. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Also read: Prayer for November 24