PRAYER TO GOD FOR HEALING Based on Faith. God Wants to Heal You
God wants to heal you. Yes, God wants to, but do we want to? Some insights on praying, believing, trusting, and surrendering to God....
IN JESUS NAME WE PRAY AMEN Meaning and Reasons
Believing Christians have the conviction that their prayers are always heard in the name of Jesus: "in Jesus name we pray Amen." There are...
Thank God for this wonderful day that you has given us! Thank God for another opportunity to be filled with your love! It is...
PRAYER TO ST JOSEPH asking for intercession and protection
Why prayer to St Joseph asking for intercession and protection? Understanding why we turn to the saints and ask for their intercession is essential.They...
St Anthony Prayer for Lost Things – Our Patron and Intercessor
St. Anthony is the patron saint of sailors, castaways, older adults, the sick, pig farmers, and most importantly - with his intercession, God has...
GOD HEARS OUR PRAYERS Bible verses confirm this
Don't be surprised if you have a natural question about faith: "Do we have reason to believe that God hears us?" That is an...
Holy Innocents Day is celebrated on December 28th. Soon after the great joy of the birth of Jesus, there is a time of great...
BEGINNING OF PRAYER – Love is the Heart of Prayer
Beginning of a Prayer: Love is the heart of Prayer. We need to understand that prayer comes from faith. Faith in God. The prayer...
HOW TO PRAY TO GOD. Learning how to Pray for Beginners
Learning how to Pray for Beginners. Most people know the "Our Father" or various table or bedtime prayers. But praying is more than just...
LENT PRAYERS DURING 40 DAYS: faithful praying, fasting, almsgiving
Lent prayers. Today starts Lent. It is the 40 days period dedicated to preparing for the celebration of the death and resurrection of Jesus...